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Woo Hoo..........lilac cube ordered !!!!

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I'm so excited :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: can't stop :D:D:D:D:D


Being delivered on 31st March :D:D:D


I could either have it delivered by courier anytime after 13th March (which for me would have had to be after 17th as I have a course on 16th and no room to store an unbuilt cube or time to build it between delivery and course) or Omlet would deliver and install on 31st March. I went with this option - as it would be less than 2 weeks later I thought it would be nice to have Omlet build it :D:D


Right off to dust off spare eglus and post them in the 'for sale' section...can't really justify having 3 eglus, a rablu and a cube :wink::D

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ooooooooooooooooooooooo nice! I'll be ordering one in a few days, I have been talked out of a pink one - as husband feels my skull and crossbone wellies are hard enough for the villagers to take without getting a hotpink cube! So we were getting a green one, but I imagine lilac being nice and subtle - well as subtle as a cube can be!



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very exciting! :D


Cant you keep all the other eglu's (just for show?) :lol::lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: - an eglu collection, how lovely would that be :D :D :D :D



Would have loved to keep them just for show :D :D :D but the only way I could afford the cube was to use the money from selling them both :D Anyway, they're both sold now :D:D So I'm a happy happy bunny eggcitedly waiting for my lilac cube............only 34 days :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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:D Hello!

Congratulations on your lilac cubes, I have a lilac eglu and it is beautiful :P

Just one thing.... both Barbara and the girl on the phone when I ordered, told me that Omlet had only made 10 of each :? Could anyone tell me the correct number?

I was thrilled to be able to get a lilac eglu as I just could NOT make up my mind which colour eglu to have, till I found out about the lilac one :) It looks lovely in the garden. I spent all day yesterday digging out an area for it which I lined with wood chips, it looks really nice and today I am having a rest because every bone in my body is aching!!! :(

Julie x

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Hello Egluntine

I have some photos of my lilac eglu in the Chicken section

under "3 hens and a bouncy chocolate labrador". Christian kindly put them on for me! I have no idea how the move them to this thread, sorry!

I am trying to upload some more through photobucket but my pc is SOOOOOOO slow and driving me nuts!!!! :cry::x:cry:

Julie x

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