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GRIT and Catching

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Leave a pot of Mixed Poultry Grit where they can help themselves ad lib.


I often have to resort to a landing net to catch Artemis Fowl. She doesn't particularly like it but.......


My neighbour stuck his head over the hedge the other week and suggested a walking stick.


Apparently that is what his Dad used years ago to hook reluctant chickens. :lol:

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I just fill up a spare peanut with mixed grit and leave it in the run until it's empty (or rather, empty of grit but full of stuff they're kicked in :roll: ).


Re the catching, I'm afraid I just resort to bribes. A small handful of sunflower hearts or cut maize scattered in the eglu run usually has brings them running - though Nutmeg, who is shy and maybe not so bright, often has to be ushered round to the door, otherwise she paces up and down alongside the run :roll:


It also helps if you train them to come when you call (again, using treats as a reward). You can use any sound you want - clucking your tongue, banging on a dish, shouting "chookie-chook-chook" :lol:

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Mealworms. works every time - I only use about ten mealworms, start dropping them in a line towards the Eglu so the chooks follow you, and then hurl the last three or four deep inside the run. They will trample each other in the excitement of getting them, leaving you free to slam the door!


Never fails, and because I only use a few, a pot of mealworm lasts me a month or more.

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Treats work for me, if I need to get them in in a hurry. I've even seen me running into their run rustling an empty poly bag and they all come running, then I shut the door behind them and look at their poor wee faces when they realise they've been conned :lol: (sorry, that sounds cruel, I only do it if I've ran out of lettuce etc.)

I have a landing net but have only used it a few times - funnily enough the 1st time I brought it out they all freaked before I'd even used it - the old girls must have remembered it from a past life :roll:

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My lot get bribed with treats.


As soon as I open the back door they fly over to me and get under my feet so no problem herding them together. If I click my tongue they also come running.


I throw a small handful of mixed corn inside their run, they all rush in and I shut the door. I make sure all other treats (like cooked rice, mashed potato etc) are given inside their run from a heavy bowl and they associate the bowl with treats and come running.....

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