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When can I expect some eggs?

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Hello everyone

I have a Mendlesham Ranger, Mendlesham Blue and a Sussex white.

All are now 22 weeks old aprox.

Dave, our Ranger has been laying an egg every day for a couple of weeks now but the other 2, Bluebell and Fifi, have not started laying yet.

Does anyone have any idea when I can expect eggs from these 2?

It would save all the fighting over our 1 daily egg between 5 of us!!!!


Julie x x x

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I have moved this to 'eggs' for your Julie :D


Do they have any combs yet? Or as Laura says are they crouching?


When I got my original chickens from Omlet, Shirley was much younger than the other 2 and didn't lay for 3 months. On the plus side it might mean that they will stagger when they moult, so you don't have 3 moulting chickens ALL not laying! :D


Hope you get some more eggs soon.

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:D Ahhhhhh! my dear friend Christian, hello again and hope that you are enjoying your day! We have blue skies and warm sunshine here! lovely.

Thank you so much for moving that for me :oops: You always seem to come to my rescue........

Dave has a nice big floppy comb, she is my layer!

The others have little stubbie combs at the moment so I will keep a watchout.

At the moment my 3 are having a dust bath........... right next to the pit of wood ash mixed with that DE stuff that I got from Omlet!!!! I don't know why I bother!!!

The "chicken pit" is finished, I did it all myself and it looks real good! I moved the eglu onto the woodchips at around 3pm, it was turned the other way round and about 10ft away from it's original place and I had to guide the girls in at dusk because they did not seem to know where it was! :roll: very funny.

I just hope they wont eat all the grass seed I have sprinkled round :wink:

I just have to start on the rest of the garden now!! :)

Poppy is getting better every day too so hopefully all will be harmony by the spring :wink:

Julie x x x

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Hi Laura a


Thank you for your reply, what colour eggs does your sussex lay? I am hoping that Fifi will lay white eggs to compliment Daves brown. Would be brilliant if Isabelle (mendleton blue) would lay blue eggs then I would eventually get the full set! :lol:

Julie x


They sound lovely girls Julie, but sorry to disappoint you - I think they will all lay brown eggs. Have a look at their ear lobes. Brown egg layers have red ears, white egg layers have white ears. Blue layers can vary, but your mendlesham blue is the same as a bluebelle - definitely a brown layer :D

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Hi Chickadee

I asked my sons to name my ranger :roll:

They all work at a garage and say that every garage has a guy called Dave so we must have a chicken called Dave :wink:

Actually my neighbour is also called Dave and when I tell my husband that Dave has laid another egg he always says "I bet that made his eyes water"! :lol:

Julie x

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Hi Laura a


Thank you for your reply, what colour eggs does your sussex lay? I am hoping that Fifi will lay white eggs to compliment Daves brown. Would be brilliant if Isabelle (mendleton blue) would lay blue eggs then I would eventually get the full set! :lol:

Julie x


They sound lovely girls Julie, but sorry to disappoint you - I think they will all lay brown eggs. Have a look at their ear lobes. Brown egg layers have red ears, white egg layers have white ears. Blue layers can vary, but your mendlesham blue is the same as a bluebelle - definitely a brown layer :D

Only just come across this.

I have a Gingernut with white ears which lays brown speckled eggs! :)

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:lol: Earlobe check coming up!!!!! :lol:

Julie x

"About 100 ducks and 6 swans out the front, we have a river running past the front of our house!

Not much bread.......!"


Reminds me of a joke - sorry if you have heard it:-


A duck walks into a bar and asks the barman “Got any bread?”

The barman says “We don’t sell bread I’m afraid, this is a pub, we sell beer”. The duck leaves.

The next day the duck walks back into the same bar and asks the same barman “Got any bread?”.

The barman looks a little annoyed and says “Like I told you yesterday, we don’t do bread, we’re a pub”, so the duck leaves.

The next day the same duck walks into the same bar, and asks the same barman “Got any bread?”.

The barman gets very annoyed and says “Look we don’t do bread, we’re a pub and if you keep coming in here asking for bread I’ll nail your beak to the bar” so the duck leaves.

The following day the duck once again walks into bar. He asks the barman “Got any nails?”. The barman looks perplexed and replies “No”.

The duck asks “Got any bread?”

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