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I'm a bit unsure of how all this works in practice

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I'm considering getting two or three chickens for my garden but am a little unsure of the specifics of it all.


So, in my understanding


I would let them out of the eglu into the run in the morning.

They would wander around in the run during the day.

I could let them free range in the evening when I'm home from work and at weekends.

Which all sounds fine.

However, what happens if it rains, will they go back inside themselves?

Will they be ok inside the eglu if the door is open and there is snow/rain/strong wind?


Similar question for if I'm away for the weekend, its suggested that would be ok, the food and water dispensers are ok for that long, but would the chickens be ok if the weather turned, I assume the idea is they arent locked inside for the weekend?

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Hi DominicJ and welcome.


Yes chickens will be fine in the run all day until you get home then they will appreciate a bit of free range time.


It's best to get a showerproof cover for the run - some people use a cheap plastic shower curtain tied down with bungees - this will help keep it dry and your chooks will be able to roam around whatever the weather.


They will not be bothered about the change in weather - some people leave the eglu door open all night summer and winter. Personally, I like to shut the eglu door when they're tucked up in bed (they'll put themselves to roost when it gets dark), then open the door for them again in the morning.


As long as they have food and water they will be fine for a couple of days if you go away and leave the eglu door open, just check your run for fox-proofing.

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I'm considering getting two or three chickens for my garden but am a little unsure of the specifics of it all.


So, in my understanding


I would let them out of the eglu into the run in the morning.

They would wander around in the run during the day.

I could let them free range in the evening when I'm home from work and at weekends.

Which all sounds fine.

However, what happens if it rains, will they go back inside themselves?

Yes they will go inside the eglu or under the run cover if its wet (or stand outside like mine do :roll:)

Will they be ok inside the eglu if the door is open and there is snow/rain/strong wind? Yes, many people never lock/close the door


Similar question for if I'm away for the weekend, its suggested that would be ok, the food and water dispensers are ok for that long, but would the chickens be ok if the weather turned, I assume the idea is they arent locked inside for the weekend?Nope, they should be fine in the eglu and run for the weekend, I work away from home a few nights per week and top up their food/water before I go, they are always ok. Maybe order an extra glug for water for the summer, just to be safe


Happy chook keeping!! Any others questions please feel free to ask and Welcome to the forum! :D

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Hi, good luck with coming to a decision.


I work full time and so our chooks get let into their run in the morning and roam about there until they are let out when we get home. We have a cover over the run (plastic builders sheeting from B&Q), so if it rains the girls have some shelter. Ours don't seem to mind the rain though and will often stay out in it if they are free-ranging.


We went away for the weekend this weekend and left the eglu door open for the girls to come and go as they pleased. They were fine, and as we have covered the run, I wasn't worried about extremes of weather - they seem very hardy.


Personally I think chickens are the ideal pet - great fun, entertaining and relatively independant/easy to look after! :D

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We all work full time and the hens are quite happy to be left to do "hen things" all day.


In the winter all we do is morning: let them out and make sure food and water is available, evening: close them in, collect eggs and put the food away (in case of vermin).


About this time of year I won't be doing the let out / lock up as they want to be out with the dawn and with the evenings drawing out we can go and have more communion with them.


Weekends are fun when I do the cleaning out and the girls free range. Well the free range is only in theory as mostly they follow me back and forth to the compost bins and the garden store just in case there are treats to be had.


My daughter has started to throw grapes into the run from an upstairs window so now when they hear a window open we get a chicken race. We also get chicken races when they hear the car come home.


Helen in Hume

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Ditto to all the above Dominic.


I never close my Eglu doors......the hens get up without help and put themselves to bed. :lol:


I have covered the run with some strong clear plastic from Dunelm Mill and anchored it down with bungee cords, and they are fine in inclement weather.


They will be fine over a weekend.


As Christian says, extra water is a good idea in the summer as they do drink a surprising amount.


Go for it....you will love keeping hens. :lol:

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Hi, welcome to the forum. I can echo all of the above - I work full-time, am often away overnight or at weekends, and I had the same concerns as you. I've now had my first Eglu and chickens for a year, and I added three more and another Eglu in October last year.


I could not believe how easy they are to look after. Sadly, for the last four months or so I have only seen mine in the mornings or at weekends, as by the time I get home from work they are in bed - but they are absolutely fine with my rather minimal attention, and it is lovely when I can let them out for a run around at weekends.


I don't know where you are based, but it might be worth looking on the Courses button on the website, to see if there's a Hen Party near you. That way you could see the Eglu up close, and get a real feel for it.


Getting chickens is the best thing I've done in a long time!

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We fully agree with Olly regarding going to a Hen Party. It was a chance to see the eglu in practice and gat a lot of questions out of the way (as well as holding a hen - after which you're totally hooked, as we were!).


We're now awaiting our eglu and hens.


Also the people at Omlet are very helpful regarding ordering and this site puts to bed all the other queries you may have.

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