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Eglu here for Thursday.

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Had to cancel getting the speckled chickens due to a tree falling and knocking the wall down where they wew going to free range. So had to resort to the chickens going into the front garden, Not enough room for the big chooks to free range but plenty of room for pekins. Priced up a wooden coop and run and even though son can build it its still a lot more than we thought so decided on eglu :D . Really chuffed it should be here for Thursday maybe earlier. 3 pekins ordered, buff, black and cuckoo. Sooo excited.

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Ooh, good news! I'm hoping to get a couple of pekins myself this spring :)


Not wanting to rain on your parade, but will they be safe in your front garden? Will the eglu be easily visible from the road? Or do you live somewhere quiet where they won't be seen except by your neighbours? We've had quite a few reports of vandalism and theft recently, and I wouldn't want your little cuties to be victims!

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No the wind made the tree snap and it crashed into the dry stone wall :( When i moved in here 8 years ago there were 6 of them. I think they are cypress trees very tall but not very thick trunks. Now there are only 3 left as 2 others have snapped over the years. They are in a neighbours garden just at the other side of the wall but the other 2 fell at an angle just missing the wall, 3rd time unlucky.

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Drystone walls cost a fortune to repair :( We have just parted with £1,500 to have two walls rebuilt.


Beware the drystonewaller...my friend walked out of her 15 year marriage to run away with one.


I wasn't tempted by Bert, our chap, I have to say, although he did a fab job.


I prefer my men to have teeth.

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We live on the end of a lane and they can,t be seen unless someone comes right into the garden as the garage hides the view into the garden. Had an eglu before and it was perfectly fine, thankyou for being concerned though. They would have been more on view in the back garden but we were going to build a large fence so they couldnt be seen down the side of the house. Daren't risk it with the eglu though. In the front garden i can see them all day and there is a security light in case someone comes into the garden at night. Its pitch black on the lane though with no street lighting so the eglu can't be seen at night either.

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Hubby said i could only have green, but don't mind too much as it will match the tree house, and blend in more. I had a green MK1 before but on the pics the MKII looks a different shade of green. Now if they had a yellow one he wouldn't have had a say :D . I even asked if they were going to reintroduce a yellow one but they said no as they have had reports of the yellow one attracting flies in summer :(

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We live on the end of a lane and they can,t be seen unless someone comes right into the garden as the garage hides the view into the garden. Had an eglu before and it was perfectly fine, thankyou for being concerned though.


Glad to hear it! BTW, all the cool kids have green eglus 8)

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I was doing a search for "flies" and "yellow" and this thread came up.


I've just been out to hang some washing and my pegs are in a bright yellow plastic bag (not kept putside, I took it out with me). I took a cple of pegs out of the bag, hung a piece of washing, turned around and the bag was covered in hundreds of little tiny flies! :shock:


I couldn't believe it. must have been a matter of seconds!


I think it's true about yellow and flies!

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i've just been out with a mister bottle with water and citronella oil in and sprayed all the wood in the run and coop.


The fli traps have got loads of flies buzzing in there (so they're doing their job nicely) and they stink! :vom: I've never noticed the smell before today, there must be no breeze to take the whiff away or something.


I've also put some drops of citronella oil on a kitchen towel and tucked it under the roof of the run.

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Hubby said i could only have green(


That made me laugh- at Grand Designs, if I took an order I would turn to the hubby and say "You want a green one- right?" They all looked astonished at my mind-reading skills... :roll: My OH has nothing to do with the hens unless I am away and hence had no say in Eglu colours (new one on order is orange!).

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I dont find I have a huge fly problem with mine... maybe it depends on where it's positioned?? with what plants etc?? although dont ask me to name the plant next to the run because I have no idea. :lol:


I have bought some citronella oil though just incase when the weathers hotter the flies come out in force?? :?:

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Hubby said i could only have green(


That made me laugh- at Grand Designs, if I took an order I would turn to the hubby and say "You want a green one- right?" They all looked astonished at my mind-reading skills... :roll: My OH has nothing to do with the hens unless I am away and hence had no say in Eglu colours (new one on order is orange!).


Hmm.. add me to this statement.. my OH insisted on green and he even has his own house so no where near my cube! Just concerned about future houses :?

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That is so funny! I wanted pink but OH said green but I wanted chickens so much I didn't relly mine! I was still in shock that he was buying them for me at all! :D

I am hoping for a lilac cube but not looking good so far :x

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