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Eurovision..........Your Decision

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I've voted Andy Abrahams.


Michelle Gayle's song was good/lively for Eurovision but those dresses! The 'dancing'! and what is it with the white girls in white and the black girls in black - and why was it 4 + 2 with 1 white girl on the 'black side'?


I was still waiting for the energy in Simona's song at the end and Rob's song was too high for him. He couldn't do anything with it. That's a shame because I think he could charm the audience.


The first two were about the standard of the usual choice we make - cringe-worthy rubbish.

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What an absolute waste of time and effort - again :roll:

They were either tone deaf or far too mainstream for Eurovision. Let's be honest Ireland have got a much better chance than us with Dustin the Turkey.

I know it's only for fun but really, is this the cream of our crop?!

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and so we have a plinky plonky dreary number from Mr Andy Abraham representing us this year


Whoo......sorry got bored halfway through my excitement :(


I'll admit that I haven't seen the show tonight as we're away in the caravan and Joe didn't bring the tv card for the laptop, but from the clips on the bbc website I wanted LoveShy with Mr Gorgeous to go through, more tat but it sounded contemporary - a bit of Girls Aloud/Sugarbabes type of sound.


This years selection wasn't much to go on tho - there HAS to be better out there that just isn't being chosen for the public to decide.


Perhaps a Eurovision entry should be picked in an X-Factor type competition over a few weeks in future, not some faceless BBC panel whittling down to the last 6 :?




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Well I'm pleased Andy Abrahams won! I think it's a much better all-round package. Michelle's song was great if I didn't look at it, just heard it. But that's just my opinion - and clearly I wasn't completely alone.


Did you notice how all the glittery stuff fell down on Michelle Gayle when they announced the winner? The backstage crew thought it was her too! And Terry rudely said he'd just check he'd read it right!! :lol:


And I'm really glad you both posted Dan and Andrew. I was wondering where you Eurovision fans were!

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That would be because he announced the wrong winner last year! :lol:


That was so funny last year. :lol:


I didn't watch it all, just the results. I'm sorry I missed Rob the Builder from Joseph, as I think he would at least have been moderately charming. I was glad Michelle Gayle didn't get it as her dance was very annoying and I love to see a "done deal" thwarted.


Good luck to Andy, but he doesn't stand a chance. It will be someone from "New Europe" dressed in bacofoil that wins. You just see if I'm not right

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I was glad Michelle Gayle didn't get it as her dance was very annoying and I love to see a "done deal" thwarted.


Good luck to Andy, but he doesn't stand a chance. It will be someone from "New Europe" dressed in bacofoil that wins. You just see if I'm not right


Ditto to both those comments. She was so sure of herself.


Why have the GB organisers not twigged that pseudo heavy metal is the way to go at the moment. :?

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Well now I've got back home I've sat and watched the contenders on YouTube.


Michelle Gayle's entry


Rob McVeigh


Simona Armstrong


The Revelations




and the public voted for this to be our entry this year


Mr Andy Abraham


For those of you wanting to see the moment he was announced.....


I don't wish to add to Dan's concerns of a conspiracy but the name of the programme is "Your Decision" - how better to hide that it may be rigged than to make us think we're choosing :?


My thoughts:

Rob couldn't sing that song as it was way out of range for him - he was gulping for air before most of the notes for goodness sake :( along with eating the mic at the start :lol:

Simona sounded better on the night than the clip that had been released on the site previously. Not catchy enough.

Michelle Gayle, was actually rather catchy, should have won based on the competition - it was far more Euro-style and appealing - retro is really in.

The Revelations lacked any form of stage presence. Just sounded a bit screechy to me.

Loveshy tried but shaky vocal, they sounded very nervous, and would crack on the Eurovision stage - the dance routine wasn't very fluid either and they wandered aimlessly around the stage.

and Andy. Very quiet vocal, and some of the words weren't sung clearly - it's just not Eurovision, and won't grab peoples attention at the big event.


And what was with the sparks at the end, falling over Michelle Gayle as she left the stage - Andy didn't seem that keen on winning "What's going on" I think he asked. Does someone want to tell him that he is our hope of getting some points this year :?:lol:


Sorry for the long post :oops:




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