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We have a chick!

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Just to let you know - our first pekin hatched today. It was waiting for us si in the incubator when we came in tonight. There was no sign of the egg peeping this morning - so it must be a tough little cookie! It's so tiny & gorgeous - a sort of grey / brown colour (lavender) with very fluffy feet. I only have photos on my phone at the moment, but will try to upload them tomorrow. Right now I am going to get over my lack of sleep from flying.


Emma.x A very happy chicky mummy. :D

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We now have 2 frizzle chicks too!!! :D They have extra fluffy heads!!! Total chicks is now 3.....4 more eggs to go, as not all of the ones bought were fertile. 7 out of 12 eggs isn't bad though.

I'll get some photos on here soon - right now, the 2 new additions are drying out their bum fluff & the pekin is fast asleep! .....very sweet.



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