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Mel (& Paul)

Down on the farm

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I've been watching it and think their farm is beautiful! The wood and the stream.....all fab! Can't wait to see how it all turns out as they're getting their chickens next week :wink: !


He is really annoying, Mel! I do agree there!! I was quite glad when his tree stump pulling device didn't work :twisted: !

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This couple (both scientists) sold their house in Bristol and bought a farm house with 47 acres in West Wales

He still works part time on a consultancy basis and she designs and makes rather gorgeous wedding dresses - so not completely self sufficient!


they get a lot of help from their neighbours but there is a lot of making their own wood worm treatment becuase they are scientists, building their own solid wood kitchen cabinets from their own wood (last night he made a sink unit saying if he had bought something similar, hand made and bespoke the unit would cost him £1200 and this was "free" (didnt mention the brand new circular saw and tennon and mortice joint maker he'd bought which probably retail for £1500.....)


and last night they were clearing out the old cow troughs (cast iron baths) and putting in new water supplied. He stood there saying what they were going to do whilst shee (8 months pregnant) bailed out the bath and cleared out the bath :roll:


They are making room in an old chicken shed for new chooks and have put straw in the mangers for the nesting box (no perches or ladders to the boxes thought...........)


Its lovely seeing everything but they are just a little smug for me.

Dont know why

they seem perfectly pleasant.

Perhaps its just the green eyed monster getting in the way :wink::wink:

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