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Easter pressie!

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I hit a nerve there! :wink: Stop hiding your "bum bag" Mel. :roll:


Right you! I wear a bumbag, it has dog treats, pooh bags, tissues and no lip gloss (since getting insects stuck on glossy lips when I went cycling last year...yes really :roll::oops::lol: ) SO wanna fight fight with me or hold your tongue you soundrel (sorry gone back into Bob again!) :wink: Or Lord Flashheart perhaps (was that the name :? ) he ran off with Bob!


Anyway it's a must with a dog when out walking so there! :twisted:



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That's what I thought!! :D:wink:


Mind you, it's just the pants of course - not wearing anything else. :?


Don't forget to tell Mel about the snot down your shirt Graham..... :lol::lol::lol:


Couldn't resist that - pixies got me :roll:


This Clare...Still non the wiser. :?:wink:


Have to work again soon so just wondered :?



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I find that dogs do the same thing - come up all waggy tailed and nice and then have good wipe of face gunk all over me. :roll:


Maybe I am the problem - perhaps I just don't have that "show respect for me" aura. I bet that if I met up with you all, you'd just run up and wipe your noses on me..... or worse! :roll::?

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I keep my cats out of the office at home because they will insist on walking on the computer keyboard :roll: The other day I left the door open while I wasn't in there and one of them wandered in vomited on the carpet and then wandered out :evil:


Don't know who did it but really :roll:

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