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Keanie Bean

Large bleeding chicken vent

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Hello Fello Chicken owners


My poor Fenn is most unwell. When I came home after a morning out I found her all haunched in her eglu with a bleeding vent. It is not only bleeding but very large like it has been streached too wide but the eggs are all of a normal size. The other two chooks are clearly pecking at the wounded area so I have seperated her, but she doesnt look good.


Any one got any ideas, please????



Sarah. :cry:

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You have done the right thing by bringing her out of the flock if she is getting packed.Try to keep her warm also.


A hen of mine bled a lot from her vent while laying a week or so ago,& I must say that once the egg was out,she was fine.If your hens vent is obviously damaged I may be inclined to pop her to the vets.......

Can you see a torn area or is it bleeding from inside?

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Might be worth bathing her vent with warm, salt water to clean it up. Then you can see the extent of the damage. Has she already laid today? She may have had a prolapse that has been pecked by the others. If so, it can be pushed back in very gently with a bit of vaseline or KY jelly. Let us know what you find :?

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The blood looks like its coming from around the vent where its been pecked, but its the vent itself which is strange. Nothing is hanging out of it as such its just really large and sort of hanging open.


Ive bathed the area in salt water already but the poor chook is hunched over with her eyes closed in a box with some straw in my kitchen. Shes drinking but not eating.


Shes already laid an egg today so I'm really a bit lost.


Thanks, Sarah.

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Ive taken some pictures but I cant work out how to attach them to a post.

Not very tech wise! Any help to post pics gratefully received




Upload them to your computer.


Open a photobucket account and then upload them to that. Click browse and it will locate My Pictures it on your computer. You click the picture and it will upload. You can upload a few at a time.


Each picture is then assigned an img code which you copy and paste here.


Good luck.

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Thankyou for all your help but sadly our poor Fenn has gone to the great chook in the sky. She died yesterday.


My husband and I are really sad about it as she was only 6 months old and had only come into lay a few weeks ago. She was such a freindly chicken much more so than our other two which has made it worse.


Thankyou all again,



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My hen has the same thing. We washed it last night. The vent is large, sort of torn/wounded and bloody, but nothing hanging out. We've separated her. She was still eating and drinking and pretty perky, but now she's started to get diarhea and a very dirty bottom. She's also stopped eating and is just sitting. I'm worried - anyone have any advice?

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My hen has the same thing. We washed it last night. The vent is large, sort of torn/wounded and bloody, but nothing hanging out. We've separated her. She was still eating and drinking and pretty perky, but now she's started to get diarhea and a very dirty bottom. She's also stopped eating and is just sitting. I'm worried - anyone have any advice?


You will need to wash the area to get a good look at the damage and spray it with violet spray or dab with some vet wound powder.


From the sounds of it, she needs to get to the vet soonest.


Hens can easily die from stress in this sort of situation, so keep her warm and syringe feed her with water and Avipro if she's not drinking.

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