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Clash City Rocker

Cheltenham Festival

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we went on Gold Cup day a couple of times before we had the children, it is an amazing atmosphere. We won £150 on the Gold cup one year when we were really young and it felt like winning the lottery we had put £5 on which was a fortune.


The buzz around the town is great, and the traffic is :shock: We get people walking along the main road outside our house at all hours in all sorts of conditions and clothing :lol:


They closed the M5 a few years back and there was stationary traffic outside out house for hours with people getting out of their taxi's limos and coaches and walking, it must be about 6 miles from here to the racecourse :shock: Hubby wanted to get to the betting shop a couple of miles down the road that day and because we knew the back ways we managed to drive there and back in about 20 minutes :D


It is incredibly exposed at the racecourse and even on a nice day it is cold, we watched Desert Orchid get narrowly beaten in a hail storm one year the only year I backed him :?


Some of the hospitality tents have been blown down so they are really up against it trying to be ready

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My friend went to Cheltenham today and asked if I wanted him to put a bet on for me. I ummed and aahed about it then thought what the heck!!


I won £14!!! :shock: You'd think it was a million the way I leapt into the air :lol:


I NEVER win anything. Had £1 on one horse in each of the 6 races. The others came flipping nowherd so I had all but given bup by the last race, and it won :lol:


Hoorah!! After the week I've had I finally think my luck might be changing.

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Bet you're glad you weren't going today CCR although it is windy here it isn't as bad as further north I presume the damage was done yesterday evening when it was pretty windy but only for a short time.


The course is pretty exposed we go to car boots up there sometimes and it is always windy, it must be serious orthey wouldn't have called it off :(

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