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Ruby Wedding Party Advice

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We are having a meal at home for my parents at Easter to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. We are on a bit of a tight budget at the moment, but want the meal to be special.


We are trying to think of ideas to decorate the house (those helium balloons cost a fortune).


Also ideas for a nice, appropriate present (but not too expensive). Thoughts so far are a red standard rose bush.


Any ideas????

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It can be hard to deck out a house in red without it looking like a den of iniquity.

So, I would suggest a few touches rather than full on redness.

Maybe a red paper table cloth,sprinkled with those gorgeous tiny silver confetti stars. Some candles - they create such amiance. Plain white crockery. Maybe wrap some of that gift ribbon that you can curl,in red,to the backs of the chairs?


Post a request on your local Freecycle or trawl eBay for other red bits & pieces.

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Hi - go for a burgundy / red wine red - rather than a bright red that could look a bit flash!

Like cinnamon said - get some of those confetti stars. You might get some cheap from the works, Asda or Wilkinsons. Try Poundland for some bits & bobs. They sell fake roses, which you could pull apart & use the petals to decorate the table. You may get some nice bits from a shop called Au Naturale (usually on retail parks).

Dig out your Christmas fairy lights & put those up. Plain white ones will look lovely!

YOu could type up little menus for them, to make it look posh.

Plain ribbon tied around their cutlery will look effective.



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I know that there is a golden wedding rose bush so i am sure there must be a ruby wedding one too.


When we want to decorate the house for birthdays etc we put streamers hanging down from the ceiling and balloons either held up with white tac which won't mark or white drawing pins. As said dark red rather than vermillion would be more classy

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My uncle and Aunt celebrated their Ruby anniversary a few years ago.


He decided that we would all eat what they had eaten on their first date.


We were treated to Fish, chips, mushy peas and Tizer.


He also hired a juke box.


It was fantastic.


A real 1960's atmosphere.

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About five years ago when Mum & Dad celebrated their Ruby Wedding I bought them a large terracotta pot with a plaque on it with their names and wedding date on it.


I planted it up with Fuschia 'Ruby Wedding' (Fuschia's are Dad's favourite plant) and it looked beautiful, and Mum was so chuffed I nearly reduced her to tears :lol:



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Thank you all so much for your replies. Lots of great ideas I hadn't thought about. I have now been out and bought a lovely rose bush for them to go with a slate bird table my sister has bought.


I really love the house decoration suggestions and I agree I think dark red is better than bright red. Thanks for the tips, we want to make it look really special but not go crazy and spend too much money. Hubbie was made redundant last year (got a job this week though).

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