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Anybody know what breeds my girls are??

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HI. I was so excited when I went to collect my girls that I didn't pay attention when the bloke told me what breeds my girls are!! :oops: I think he said that the brown one (Anita) and the white and brown (Buttercup) ones are wellsummer crosses and that the black one (Henrietta) is a black rock cross??? But looking at his brochure I think the black one looks far more like a Bova Nera. Any body know?? (ps the bloke I got them off is now on holiday for three weeks!









Henrietta (the one at the front)

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I`m no expert (don't even haver chickens yet!) but from my research over the last few months, my guess is that they are all "standard" hybrids. The brown one is what Omlet call a Gingernut, the black one is what Omlet sell as a Miss pepperpot, also known as Black Rock, Bovans Nera, and the brown and white one is an Amber Star / Sweetie.


Anyone who knows more than me think this might be right?

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Hi to you both

I think Warrens are the same as Isa Browns, ithink the full name is Warren Isa Browns but i am no expert i have only kept chooks for 3weeks now. I,m sure someone will set us on the right track because i would love to have a firm idea that mine are indeed Isa's.


I will email the breeder again and find what i have and then let you know. go from there maybe

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The majority of the ginger hens are a cross between a rhode island red cockerel and either a light sussex or a white sussex. The (Warren) ISA browns are RIR x rhode island white. They are known by different names depending on the breeding stock and bloodlines used to create them by the breeder, hence you'll get: bovans goldline, Gingernut ranger, mendlesham ranger, red rocket, columbian blacktail, Golden rocket, Calder ranger, hyline, shaver brown - there are probably many others! They tend to be mass produced for the commercial market because they can be sexed at hatching (hens are ginger, cockerels are yellow).


The white hen with brown patches is usually known as an amber star and is a RIR x either a white leghorn or white plymouth rock (I can't find out which for definite!) Can also be known as Mendlesham amber, amber rocket, merrydale sweetie, bovans amber (and probably many others!)


I've not seen a welsummer cross mentioned before (doesn't mean it doesn't exist though), but bear in mind they could be a cross bred by the person you got them from (most suppliers buy them in rather than breeding them in house) so they could be mixtures of anything! The white one with ginger splodges looks to have too much brown for an amber star - but she is stunning!


Hope this helps 8)

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thank you so much for the info. i understand now. I must say they have a lovely nature. rhode island reds seem to be at the core of most hybrids dont they? I must say that i would love a RIR.

cheers for that Snowy, i knew someone would come along who could answer the question :D

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:shock: WOW! Thats a lot of info. Thanks Snowie. I think I will just accept that fact that they are just a lovely crowd of hens and it doesnot matter what their breeds are. Its amazing how different their personalities are. Buttercup is the most timid of the three, but also the tamest. She is the one who gets mugged for her worms by the other two, but she is also the one who will hop onto my lap for no reason and sit there for a few minutes. ANita is bolder, and happyish to be held. in many ways shes the most confident of them all. Henrietta, is least friendly with me but is slowly getting tamer, she will now eat out of my hand; she's also the one who makes the most noise and is often chattering to herself. The other two are both relatively quiet.
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