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Guest Poet

any idea why my jaw went click?

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i made myself a thick cheese and chutney sarnie for lunch, extra strong chedder and chutney from the farmer's market on a lovely crusty french roll. I was sooooooooooo looking forward to it but when I opened my mouth wide (it was a thick roll!) something went 'click' on the right hand side of my lower jaw and it really hurt and I couldn't chew as it was so painful. It eased off after a bit so I was able to finish my sandwich eventually but it still feels weird, it still hurts when I bite down.


Anyone know what I've done? I'm hoping it's just a muscle strain and it will wear off. Anyone know? :?


Good job it was scouse and rice pudding for tea! :lol:

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i did google it and found something called TMJ but I don't think it's as bad as that although not sure as I've had painkillers which might be masking some of the ouch. Just wondered if anyone knew what might have happened as I know there's medical people here.


It only hurts when i bite down at the moment so I'm trying to avoid anything chewy at the moment :D


I did manage to finish my sandwich, I had to try and chew on the left and take smallish bites :lol:

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cripes, the more I read about TMJ disorder the more I think it might be that. Because of my Marfans I have a very high arched palate and narrow mouth and my jaws don't meet properly. Over the years it could have caused stress to my jaw muscles. I'll see how it is tomorrow and in the meantime have a very large whisky, no jaw muscles are needed for that! :lol:

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I occasionally get something similar. I went to see my GP, had felt my jaw as I moved it and said that it was indeed TMJ.


Generally mine gets easier after a few days and then about a week later it tends to be back to normal. I've done it a few times now and it's always got 'better' so I'm not worrying too much about it.



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thanks Rob, good to know it goes away by itself.


Yes, though it was a bit worrying the first time I got it :(


Various things set it off for me - biting on something unexpectedly hard (like a seed in a granary roll) or, on one occasion, yawning particularly widely!



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i'm not allowed to take ibuprofen, something to do with my heart!? i had some paracetamol earlier and I'm going to bed shortly. If I hadn't given my hot water bottle to Bea, I'd put it under my pillow, ah well!


It was just a shock when it went click, I thought I'd dislocated it or something, weird! :shock: I was gutted because I was so looking forward to that cheese and chutney sandwich :drool::lol:


p.s. I've only had 2 small ones mixed with coke ;)

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p.s. I've only had 2 small ones mixed with coke ;)


I think I'd be in shock too if I'd had two small cheese and chutney sandwiches mixed with coke :?:vom:


Oh sorry, you meant whiskey :wink:




don't make me laugh! It hurts! ;):lol:

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nope it's still hurting though not as bad, no more cheese sarnies for a bit ;)


Hi Anne, yes I'm 6 foot 1" and do have very long fingers, you can see my fingers in this video clip (promise not to laugh? ;))


Clash, why is it embarrasing when it rains, does it get worse in wet weather?

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Poet sorry to hear you jaw is still hurting.......It may be worth going to your dentist and getting a referal to have a splint made.


I have had this problem all my adult life until a couple of years ago when i was refered to Manchester Dental hospital, they made me a soft splint ( a clear gum shield ) which initially took quite a few visits to get it fitted properly they adjust it every 2 weeks until they get your jaw in the right alignment.


The splint has changed my bite completely and has been worth all the visits to the hospital, my jaw is so much better and has only locked once which was soon alleviated by wearing the splint at night for a week. I no longer grind my teeth and haven't had any migraine headaches since having it fitted. I would say it is well worth paying a visit to the dentist.......My problem only came to light when I needed a cyst removing from my uppper jaw, the surgery involved me having my mouth open for 1 1/2 hours, the surgeon would not operate until my TMJ was sorted.


I do hope you feel better soon, I know how sore it can be, my jaw once locked up for 2 weeks........... :cry:

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oh Nicola, that sounds painful :?


My upper and lower jaw don't meet. When I was little my mum was told they could operate to bring the upper and lower jaw into alignment (by moving my lower jaw forward) but she didn't want to put me through the pain and decided to let me make the decision when I was older. I never had it done because it was just cosmetic as far as I was concerned.


I'll see how it goes and if it doesn't get better or happens again, I'll just have to go. :roll:

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Oh.........I've had this for years, didn't realise it was actually a proper something. Thought it was just me as I have clicky joints aswell and when I was little I used to get stuck when my hips used to click. I'm off to google it :D You learn something new everyday on the Omlet forum :D


I have a very high narrow palate aswell, when I was born they were worried that I may have had a cleft palate (like my Dad) but it was OK


Whenever my jaw went through a clicky phase I just learnt to eat very carefully and on the opposite side to the side that was clicking. I found over a week it slowly got better and by 2 weeks it was back to normal until the next incident

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mine cracks loudly occasionally. A few months ago it cracked and the left side would not close properly.. and it was quite painful..


i ummed- and ahhed (literally!) wondering if a wisdom tooth had grown through or summat - but decided to leave it.


occasionally i would wake up in the morning and i could close it properly - but it would get worse through the day


but i had no time to go to the docs - or the dentist - and i couldn't really decide which was the best! (I nearly went to the dentists..)


but after a couple of weeks it sorted itself out - and seems ok now....



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... wondering if a wisdom tooth had grown through or summat -


that was one of my thoughts too, wondering if it grown inwards instead of outwards but I have to say, yours and others posts have reassured me and I will leave it a cple of weeks and hopefully it will have gone by then. It hurts my ear now too :roll:


Anyway, musn't grumble :lol: where's the whisky? :whistle:

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nope it's still hurting though not as bad, no more cheese sarnies for a bit ;)


Hi Anne, yes I'm 6 foot 1" and do have very long fingers, you can see my fingers in this video clip (promise not to laugh? ;))



Poet I love that song, always have, and you play it almost like Billy. :wink:


Do you think long fingers help with the 'old Joanna'?


I watched the video, and sang along only I substituted 'Tonic and Gin' for 'Coke and Whisky' and it worked as you slowed to let me fit it in! :D


I would love to be able to play the Piano, only I have a couple of handicaps in that department, I can't read music and I don't have a Piano. :D


I can get by on guitar, playing by ear and guitar tab but real notation baffles me.


If I ever get round to it I will do a music course.


I get the Jaw thing too it clicks all the time along with a scrunching noise in my inner lug, doesn't hurt though. I suffer more from a cramp like thing under my chin usually when yawning, I have to force my own head back to stretch it out, which has at one time or another attracted a few funny remarks!! such as there are easier ways to kill yourself son, etc etc. :D



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thanks Kev :lol: Long fingers only really help if you need to span an octave. BJ only has short fingers and look at him! :lol:


Poetically speaking "tonic and gin" is an abominable inversion but I'd forgive Billy anything *sigh* ;)


It was watching this video that inspired me to want to play in the first place



I couldn't read a note before I started learning to play but it does get easier with practice. My piano is digital, a Roland F90. You can get really good digital pianos and they're coming down in price all the time. They don't need tuning and don't take up much space and thay have a really good sound.


Having said that, I'm really jealous of Pam's funky orange Joanna, it's so cool 8)


If you really want to get into music theory a book I've found invaluable is Eric Taylor's "The AB guide to music theory" vol 1. You can teach yourself from that.


right, just finished my whisky so I'm off to bed. Keep your chin up Kev! ;)




p.s. I'd give anything to be able to play by ear and improvise, that's a real skill you have, don't knock it! :D

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