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Tessa the Duchess


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The stuff the doctors give is rubbish. Better off with cool boiled water. All three of mine have had it in the last month and not only was treating them with the stuff a nightmare (sit on them and takes two of you) it didnt do anything so on advise of a freind I reverted back to just the boiled water and it cleared up within days.

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you can get chloramphenicol from a chemist but they may not sell i for a child


I've just had a course of that. Certainly the over the counters stuff is not for children under 12. Maybe a GP's prescription is a different strength for children.


Teabags, and cooled tea ( No milk, no sugar!) are definitely very soothing.


Poor little chap....That sort of thing moves like wildfire through a nursery. :(

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The stuff the doctors give is rubbish. Better off with cool boiled water. All three of mine have had it in the last month and not only was treating them with the stuff a nightmare (sit on them and takes two of you) it didnt do anything so on advise of a freind I reverted back to just the boiled water and it cleared up within days.


most conjunctivitis in children is viral & clears up on its own anyway so the drops from the GP often do not help, even bacterial can be resisitant to the antibiotic drops, you are right to try for a few days with bathing the eyelids with boiled water, a tiny bit of disolved bicarb helps get rid of the stickiness. but if the discharge is green & the eye really red then antibiotic drops are normally prescribed

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I know just how you feel. I had conjunctivitis when I was 5 and I still remember it, (10 years on!). I was prescribede eye drops from what I seem to remember. I'm not sure they were even anti-microbal, but they work and they help to moisten the eye without it getting gunky-if that makes sense.

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