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Fur 'n' Feathers

Advice on weekends away please!

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We are aware that many people go away and leave their hens for a weekend without anyone coming in. However, we've read that leaving eggs in the nest can encourage broodiness.


Comments please. We wouldn't like to encourage broodiness, but will on occasion be away for a few days and would like to know peoples' experiences/ advice.

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our first year of chicken keeping co-incided with the year we got our touring caravan which meant we were away 2/3 weekends a month for 2 nights at a time. your chooks will be fine with plenty of food and water and in the summer plenty of shade. None of ours went broody because of us going away.

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We went away for two nights after we had had them a month - I worried until we got back home, but they were absolutely fine and still had plenty of food & water.


My only concern would be if it is frosty as the water freezes over and they would be left without water. For longer holidays I have already had a number of offers for looking after them in return for collecting eggs - I am sure you will find the same.



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A weekends worth of eggs probably wouldn't cause broodiness other than in breeds prone to it.


Have you got a teenager nearby? They tend to be happy to earn a bit of dosh.


I used to pay the boy next door to look after our rabbits/guinea pigs when the children were small and we went away.

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:) Many thanks. You've all reinforced what we suspected would be alright. We do have folks that would look in on them, including a neighbour. It was more about when to do so and when to be able to leave. This has been very helpful and the forum is so helpful generally with the sharing of ideas and experiences. It puts the "books" into perspective :!::wink:
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