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Brahma query

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See, I told you I would be asking lots of Q's, so here I go:

Would Brahmas be OK for a novice - with regard to their feathery feet? How often would their feet have to be cleaned and how would you check for nasties under the feathers and is it easy to spot nasties underfoot and on their legs? Oops, got carried away, sorry! :oops:

Regards, Koojie

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I have a brahma and they dont require any different treatment from anyother chicken. I would say they make a good beginner chook as they are very docile and friendly, making them easy to handle. If they are spending a lot of time free ranging in bogy conditions you might just want to give their feet a bit of a wash in a little warm water just to get ri of any balls of mud from their feathers. but you should always give any chook a once over once a week to get rid of balls of mud from toes and check them for mites etc, so just make sure the scales on the legs are still looking flat and healthy. If bums are mucky giving them a wash to stop fealthers clumping together. All these things you would do for any chicken so its no problem at all.

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Thanks Janty, query confirmed! I informed OH about this new revelation, only to be met with him and daughter saying, "don't we get a say in the matter - I thought we were going to have Orpingtons?" To which I replied "We are still going to have your choice and whose birthday is it anyway!" :evil: I did storm out of the room I was really cross. They already turned their noses up at a black Orp because it was a boring colour - my choice (actually I like them all and black isn't boring they have green shiny bits). Wylye Valley has gold and blue Brahmas and are beautiful. Is it a myth that feathery feet don't churn up the garden quite as much?

Regards, Kooj

PS - Told everyone I was last in the pecking order, eh.

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I love my Brahmas 8)

Hard to pick a favourite - at a push it would be the Dark Brahma, lovely black/grey feathers and sooo friendly :D My 7yr old neice walks round with her in her arms :D

They love to scratch around as much as the hybrids, are no more trouble than them (with the exception of Attila who is feather pecking the others :evil::roll: ) and at the moment are laying 6 eggs each a week. :D


Go for it! :D



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Hi Peeps

They honk!!!! I thought they were supposed to be chickens not geese!!! :lol:

I hope our neighbour won't mind - I am a bit worried about the noise, but then her dog has attacked the Postie twice now, last time ripped her inner thigh and the poor woman needed stitches - they have to collect their post now. I don't mind about the other side, their cats use our garden as a loo and spray all over the bushes and fight in the night. When they control their pets, then they can speak to me about mine! Ooh - fighting talk now!


With regard to housing, we are off to visit Caz to see her cube to get an idea of the size etc. on Friday. I like the idea of it being easy to reach and then of course for cleaning, it sounds like the best option, plus Barbara said it would be much better sizewise for big birdies (and then I could have more than 2 :dance: )!!! Also easy for me to move by myself. Eggs not necessary, but added bonus, as it is only me that really eats them, apart from the cakes/breadmaking bits. I can give spares to my old folks and my friends (one of which has already bagsied looking after them if we go away on holiday). I am sooo looking forward to a lovely mushroom omlet.


I have been making lists of things to disinfect, little pest killers, and prevention and cure bits, such a lot! Aubiose has written with regard to local suppliers, as have Hemcore. I just need to clear the plants out from the chicken winter quarters and realised that is where I planted my rhubarb last year, and I read on the forum that chickens have a taste for the leaves!


The chickens would be ready in July, mainly because it will be 12 weeks for the orps to be sexed, so any other variety would be all kept together for collection at the same time and that way they can all be fwends together (I hope).


TTFN, Kerry

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