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The oil cleansing method for skin

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I hope I haven't missed any other threads on this (apologies if so). Basically, I have been doing the oil cleansing method for a week now. My skin is incredibly oily and prone to spots (since I was a teenager). I was really nervous about doing it after my whole life using oil-free products, and bought the oils but had them sitting around not being used for about 2 weeks before I finally started.


So.... here is some info to get you started:

http://www.theoilcleansingmethod.com/ although there are lots of other websites around - just Google it, or 'OCM'.


I started with approx 30% castor oil and 70% jojoba oil (I chose jojoba as it supposed to be quite similar to the skin's own oil - olive oil can be too fatty). As the week has gone on, I have increased to more like 50% castor and 50% jojoba, and I'm now going to increase the castor oil yet again I think, to more like 75% castor, as my skin is so oily.


Basically, although it is still early days for me, I can't believe how much better my skin is, as it is getting less oily by the day, and also less red looking. I have very few spots, but they haven't yet gone altogether. When I wear make up it actually stays put for once, rather than clumping up or disappearing in an oil slick.


It is incredibly low maintenance, as I only do the deep cleanse every night (which takes a few minutes only), and wash with water only in the morning. I wish I'd heard of it years ago.


Hope this is of interest to someone.


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This is really interesting - I'm tempted to try. Was castor oil easy to get hold of?


I use, and really love, Eve Lom Cleanser but it is :shock: expensive. My last pot was a present, and I am very very sparing with it. It is quite an oily cleanser, I'm always surprised at how good it makes my skin feel - you use a washcloth in the way directed in this article.


I might have a go at this. Thanks for posting about it.

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It does make sense, yes. Trouble is, I've spent 23 years believing that I could only use oil free products, or I'd get covered in spots. :roll:


A bit like those fat-free/low-fat products that are supposed to help you get slim, but actually do the opposite :evil:


On my current diet I have eggs and/or bacon nearly every morning for breakfast, and I've lost over half a stone since the beginning of Lent :D

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On my current diet I have eggs and/or bacon nearly every morning for breakfast, and I've lost over half a stone since the beginning of Lent :D


I have sent you a PM Eyren, don't want to get off topic but I'm intrigued to know a bit more! :wink:

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I don't think you can buy castor oil from chemists anymore (some sort of fear about it being an abortifacent? I might be wrong!!). I got mine online:



I used only castor oil last night, and I can't stop looking at my skin in the mirror today!! :D I have very oily skin though - you'll probably need a fair proportion of jojoba, olive, grapeseed or something else to make up your mix. I will stick to just castor for now and see what happens.

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Interesting reading. For over a year now I've only used water and hemp oil and jojoba on my face and it really has improved. I kne wI needed to do something becaus epost last pregnancy I started getting awful skin for the first time in my life. I love the improvements.

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I'm definitely going to give this a go! I'm halfway there anyway as I haven't used or worn makeup for a while so I rarely do more than wipe my face with a warm, wet cloth :oops: But my skin has been much better than when I used to exfoliate, cleanse, tone and moisturise! It does need a bit of a deep cleanse now though, and I have a bottle of castor oil in the cupboard left over from my last pregnancy so it needs using up! :lol:

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Wow! This really works! I used the oil cleansing method on my face last night and my skin feels lovely!


I used the 30% castor oil to 70% sunflower oil for oily skin, but think I need to adjust it as my skin obviously isn't as oily as I thought. Plus I added one drop of clary sage oil. It smelled and felt like one of those expensive Clarins facial oils :lol:


The last time my skin felt this good was after a £50 facial! 8)


Olly, I hope you get your castor oil. I got mine from a small village pharmacy. :?

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I've found myself watching the skincare ads on the TV rather wistfully lately, so to prevent any bouts of mindless consumerism I'm compromising on some luxuries from lovelula.com - expensive, but I spend so little on beauty products, and I'd rather have a few items of really good stuff than bottles and bottles of chemicals :)


One of things I've bought, in order to try out this oil cleansing thing, is called Spiezia Organic Facial Cleanser. It's made with "coconut oil, jojoba oil, sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil, beeswax, roman camomile, marigold, eucalyptus, clove, grapefruit seed extract, clary sage, wheatgerm oil" (according to the website) - sounds like it should be yummy!

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I bought myself some almond oil from Sainsburies last night and just used that, as I forgot the castor oil. I'm such a dimwit sometimes :oops: .


This morning I got some castor oil from Boots which is only a small one. I just had to ask for it behind the counter, maybe its a London thing to have a bigger selection.


I'm really looking forward to better skin, so I'm persisting with this and the no 'poo.



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This morning I got some castor oil from Boots which is only a small one. I just had to ask for it behind the counter, maybe its a London thing to have a bigger selection.


I wonder if it is now one of those products they will only sell if the pharmacist is there :? I will try and ask for some castor oil in the little Boots near work next week.

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