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VW camper van

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we've been thinking of getting a camper van for years and always fancied a VW one. What with what's happening with my dad and my sister buying a boat etc we've decided to go for it. You don't know how long you have on this earth do you, so you have to make the most of it eh?


Ian's friend is a VW enthusiast and is doing his own van up at the moment and he's told Ian about a van he knows for sale at the moment, we're going to check other vans on the market to see if the price is fair and test drive it and have it surveyed by the RAC or AA or whoever but I just wondered if there was anyone in the know on here and what your opinion was.


The details we've been sent are;


C reg 4 breth hightop

Orange with white top

1.9 dg watercooled

Recon engine

4 month's mot

6 tax

towbar with electric's

Lot's of history


Right this bus was only ever used in the summer by the owner's for the past 8yrs and kept under their carport for the winter,

it needs the usual bit of work around the side window's and above the bumper but that's all.

The interior is clean and has room for 4 and comes with 3way fridge 2ringburner with grill sink, plenty of lighting 12v and 240v lot's of storage space.

This is a good van that needs a little TLC the elderly couple haven't skimped when it needed something it got it new ie the engine was about £1600 there is a reciept to back this up.

Pic's will be emailed if your interested Price £2600 ono


here's some pics










does anyone know if this is a good deal or not and what do you think?

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There is a turquoise one in my road that I :drool: over.


It's funny, isn't it- my friend's parents had one & when I was little I didn't know what a camper van really was, wandering around in my own child, care feee world, but now, I would give my eye teeth for one.

No chance though, I can't really afford a Kenwood Chef, never mind a campervan :lol:

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I think its a great idea to get a camper van - then you can come to the omlet caravanning/camping get together!


If Ian's friend is a VW enthusiast he is probably the best person to advise you.


We have a camper but its hard to judge anything from just pics (and I am not a vehicle expert anyway).


I would be a little wary about the 4 mths MOT (ask if it can be MOT'd before you buy!) And there is nothing worse than an MOT running out on a camper at the height of summer and you find it needs work. But it does look like a nice van. The interior is much better than ours (we have a Mk 2 Bay - the older style, but they are more pricey). The hook-up will be handy on colder nights too.

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I think for the price its great. You can go ANYWHERE in it.

Can you get the chickens in????

The colour is 8) too.

Tina is right about the M.O.T. situation though. A full M.O.T. would be better. They may well know if there is extensive work like welding looming and could be part of the decision to sell.

If they wont go for getting a full M.O.T. ask if you can have it looked at on a ramp in a garage. Its worth paying an hours labour to a garage to see what you are getting into, as M.O.T. repairs can become a costly business, and once your in theres no going back!

Good luck.

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Good advice Lynda - I always get any car I am buying looked over by a mechanic friend first.


I know a bit about cars and always used to service my own car in the days when I had the time, but I'd still prefer someone else to look it over for me.


Phil's brother restores VW campers - he has a yard full of them, all in various stages of renovation.

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Looks in good shape and will be great fun. I'm sure if you do as the others have suggested regards MOT and have your friend or the AA check it over you should find out if there may be any problems lurking. :D

Good Luck, Hope it :D ticks all the boxes...It will be great for you to be able to get away when you want to when Dads health improves.

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