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bridgy chooks

Bag for College

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Hi - this is a bit of a random request but I am thinking that someone on here will be able to help!


I am studying part time at College at the mo and need a bag (that's not my husband's Nike rucksack that I'm currently using) to carry by books - well a few books and a lever arch file. Can't seem to find one big enough that's not luggage size either :?


Any ideas ??


Thanks :D

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Try Kipling - they do lots of big work bags - my girls have to take in all their school books every day in a lever arch file & they use Kiplings 8)

They are really strong & come in great colours.They are machine washable too.

Look at the business bags & the laptop carry bags,which have removable laptop protection inserts which you could take out to slip your file in.There are some expandable A4 size bags too






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Haven't visited the Crumpler site for ages and now you have made me order something! :roll::lol::lol:


A cute little notepad with elastic band strap! :roll:


Must stop internet shopping! :shameonu:


Me too Christian.


Here was I thinking I was so happy with my current Kipling bag,when the brain starts ticking over & I am thinking,well,wouldn't a black one be nice? :roll:

Then I think,well a bigger bag would be good,so I can fit more reusable cotton bags in it (logic!!!)

And if I have a new black bag,then naturally I need to purse to match :roll::roll::roll:


It has cost me £60,this thread :evil::roll::lol::lol::lol:

........but it is a lovely bag (& it also comes in pink :think:) 8):P



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I like Sativa bags - stylish, lots of pockets for your odds and ends, and made from environmentally-friendly hemp :)




That said, they are rather heavier than modern synthetics - the laptop briefcase weighs a ton!


Thanks for posting that link, I have saved it for future reference (I feel a handbag purchase coming on :oops: ) :D What a huge selection of great bags they sell 8)

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Thanks for posting that link, I have saved it for future reference (I feel a handbag purchase coming on :oops: ) :D What a huge selection of great bags they sell 8)


You're welcome! I discovered them via a local market stall, but their stock is limited so I thought I'd try the website for a change.


I decided recently that I needed a slightly larger shoulder bag (I'm trying to get myself organised this year, and I needed extra room for my pocket Filofax). There were so many to choose from, I had to make a shortlist of five then whittle it down to one before I could place an order! In the end I went for the Multi Pocket Field Bag - not too big, and of course lots of pockets to organise all my odds and ends :)

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Just to let you know that I bought this:




backpack in the end - in orchid - had to get a purpley one :lol:


It turned up during the week and am v.pleased with it


Thanks for your advice - sorry I've only put the link as don't know how to put the pic directly in the post! :?

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