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Guest Poet

thanks cat re little miss sunshine

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Its a great film,isn't it?

Actually,I had earmarked it to watch this afternoon 8)


I saw 'Juno' at the movies this week & that was really good too - the same sort of feel as 'Little Miss Sunshine'.

I would recommend it to anyone wanting to see something lovely,gentle & very funny this Bank Holiday :P

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I have wanted to see Little Miss Sunshine for ages. But our rental shop closed down and have not got around to organising rentals by post yet.


If you do decide to do online rentals, I can highly recommend LOVEFILM.They have an enormous selection of films, foreign, indie, lots of series from the tv.

I actually cancelled my subscription because I found I don't have time to watch so many films, but they are good.



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it was just the tonic I needed :D anyone know of any more films like this, pls let me know.


by the way fairy&cake, love your avatar, is that you and seth? it's a lovely photo!

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