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Should I close the Eglu at night or not?

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Now that we are getting lighter mornings I am unsure about shutting the girls in. If there is any chance of frost I do but the last few mornings they have been kicking up such a racket I have been able to hear them through double glazing from over 40yds away. I have had to go down at around 6:15am to let them out. My other worry is that they are slightly nearer a neighbours house than ours (Although the fact that this neighbour has a dog which is allowed to bark uncontrollably in the very early hours ie 2:00am to 4:00am makes me wish sometimes that I kept magpies or mynah birds!)

Are they likely to suffer any problems if I simply leave them to come and go as they please which is what they did for the majority of last summer/autumn(summer?!)?

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They will be absolutely fine....I haven't closed my Eglu doors once for well over a year.


Your neighbour won't have a leg to stand on should he decide to mention any clucking.


A dog barking at 2am is a darn sight more anti social than any sounds coming from a chicken. :lol:

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They will be absolutely fine....I haven't closed my Eglu doors once for well over a year.


Your neighbour won't have a leg to stand on should he decide to mention any clucking.


A dog barking at 2am is a darn sight more anti social than any sounds coming from a chicken. :lol:

Thanks for this, good to know that they probably won't come to any harm. Not that I expect much in the way of frost from now on.

As far as the d*** dog is concerned I am reduced to diarising the racket prior to getting the Env health Dept to take action. The owners of the dog are decidedly disfunctional otherwise I would have spoken to them about it personally.

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I was wondering about this too. At the moment my plan is to shut the door and let them out every day at 7am, though it is very early days for me and I'm just going to see how we go on with this and take my lead from the girls really. I won't be getting up earlier than 7 :lol:

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I have been shutting the cube door since we had them.

But the other morning as I was getting up - at 6am, I could hear them shouting through our Dbl glazing :evil:


So, I decided to leave their door open and am amazed at how calm they are now - when I come down and let the dogs out they don't even shout for treats like they used to :shock:


I'm hoping now that this might stop Attilla the feather plucker chook :evil: I think she was taking her opportunity in the mornings when they were all scrambling to be first out - she likes to be 'head chook' :roll:



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I have to shut the door at night. One morning ella woke me up at 5am with her bokking. So im the boss and the chooks get let out when I think its acceptable. In the working week just before i leave home they are let out just before 7am. Weekends a bit later. We've had no problems. :)

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