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New to Omlet and need some info on first time chickens

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pepperpots are great.

They are hybrids (which means tough as old boots and lay lots and lots of eggs, even in the winter time)


it would possibly be easier for you to choose your birds if you list the qualities you are looking for? then folk on here will be able to suggest birds that fit your criteria :D


so, for example....do you want to keep your birds as pets (and not eat them)?

how many eggs are you likely to use in a week?

There are squillions of types of chicken to choose from, and choosing is such fun! :lol::lol::lol:

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Wow, thanks for the replies, very helpful. We will be keeping the chickens as pets/supplier of eggs. No eating involved. Have 2 children so ideally need to be friendly and able to pick up etc. Really like the sound of the Pepperpot. Being from Sussex would also like something that is local to us if at all possible.

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I've only had my chooks since friday, so far the friendliest are the warren and bluebelle, they both eat out of our hands and let us stroke them, the speckledy is not far behind, the light sussex, black rock and rhode island red are more timid, but they are all gorgeous - if I am anything to go by, you'll do loads of research, decide exactly what you want, then it all goes out the window when you get to the breeders and choose one of everything ! :lol:

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Hi Meezers, I never realised there were so many to choose from. Have a friend who already has them so that has helped but I suppose it all depends on the chicken and they seem to have own personalities. People seem to be mixing their breeds so I'll probably do that too.


Did anyone buy their chickens through Omlet or another source?

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How about a light sussex? very pretty and local to you (ours is caled Rye as we use to live that way) - she is the white one of our three.




The others in the photo are a Bluebelle (grey one) - very firendly and good egg layer and the brown one is a blackrock - supposed to be 300+ eggs in first year - she is quite brown they are mainly darker than this, like the omlet Miss Pepperpot.


So many the choose!



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How about a light sussex? very pretty and local to you (ours is caled Rye as we use to live that way) - she is the white one of our three.




The others in the photo are a Bluebelle (grey one) - very firendly and good egg layer and the brown one is a blackrock - supposed to be 300+ eggs in first year - she is quite brown they are mainly darker than this, like the omlet Miss Pepperpot.


So many the choose!




Your girls are GORGEOUS Tracy!!! Where did you get them from?


In relation to choosing chickens. Well, we got the Omlet Gingernut Ranger, so only have experience of them. Haven't had them long, but they are great with the children, come running to you and have been bucket loads of fun! Have fun!

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The light Sussex does need to be cornered to pick up (OK when you get her) the other two always ready for a cuddle & my daughter picks them up most days.


They all came from the domestic fowl trust up here in Worcestershire.



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Hello LittleBoPeep!


I would definitely get a light sussex! Winifred is quite new and an adorable chicken. She is the first to 'squat' when I go out to see them all.


She is top chook but very gentle and a very good layer. Very placid. She is a big girl and very soft.



I use her as the 'demo' chicken at my hen courses and she is always good as gold.


2 people have tried to smuggle her home with them! You know who you are! :wink::wink:








(Hillfamily and Moomin)

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Pepperpots are lovely. Daft as a brush and friendly. Laying machines too.


My Pepperpot is sooo friendly and into everything! She is a big chicken and knows it. She will come to the glass patio door and peck at it for attention (food) :D Wonderful chook. My jury is still out on the Gingernut Ranger hybrid, smaller bird - sleeps for Britain.


Neither of mine are layers yet though.

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Hello, I looked on here before I ordered my chucks and nearly didn't get a Miss Pepperpot, but I have to say she is much friendlier than Ginger, my Gingernut. She will quite happily be picked up and let my toddler run up to her in the garden and pet her, whereas Ginger flaps away.


I read that some people found the Pepperpots more aggressive, but far from it. She is daft as a brush, mind, but lovely - and beautiful colouring!

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Hi Noted you were from East Sussex - I had my mind set on Bantams and spent hours asking questions and researching then went to LPH poultry in Sussex on a whim on Monday afternoon. What a lovely lad who explained everything to us and obviously knew his stuff inside out. I am now picking up 3 hybrids on Sunday a bluebelle, a sussex star and an amber star and am in love with them already. Give LPH a try worth it for the information even if you dont buy


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We've only had our chickens for a few days but our pepperpots are very friendly and were the first to approach us when we went out into the garden. They aren't tame enough to eat out of our hands yet but are definately thinking about it. They also peck at the patio door if they can see us inside.


One of the pepperpots is also an escape artist and has taught the others to get out of the omlet netting by jumping up on top of the cube run. I was wondering how they kept getting out of their temporary pen.


They are real characters

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My Pepperpot is friendly, good with kids, good layer and my most pretty chook.

My Gingernut Rangers are even more friendly and follow me around like dogs.

Both these Omlet chooks I would recomend.


My Amber Star hybrid is docile and a personality. They all make a "bok bok" sound to announce they have laid an egg, but she is the most vocal.


I can only tell you about the hybrids I've got but there are also some gorgeous pure breeds out there. Few less eggs but fab colourings. Perhaps you should take a peek at the Omlet photo gallery and get some idea of other peoples chooks.

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