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Sarah 2

My toddler's an addict.....................

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Bless Him, that's so sweet, I hope my baby boy will be like that with the girls when he gets older .



Hope that he's not. My son would spend all day outside with them if he could. :roll: Infact I have to hide his wellies and coat till his dad gets home. :oops::wink: He even hand feeds them. :shock:

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Bless Him, that's so sweet, I hope my baby boy will be like that with the girls when he gets older .



Hope that he's not. My son would spend all day outside with them if he could. :roll: Infact I have to hide his wellies and coat till his dad gets home. :oops::wink: He even hand feeds them. :shock:


:lol: I have to laugh at you hiding his coat and wellies, Poor boy! He does love his chooks, I really think a few more would be a great idea (speaks the woman who now has 15, when the first hens only arrived on 03.03.08, and hubby had said I could have 3 :oops: !!!), Now which breeds would you like for the new girls?



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How sweet......although my chooks would be nibbling those toes!


Poor boy couldn't wait to put his wellies on. :shock: They do peck his toes but he thinks its part of the fun. :roll: I don't find it fun when they peck me. :oops:


Now which breeds would you like for the new girls?


Oh there's so much choice. Not sure my OH will be pleased if we get anymore. The dog will be though, some more play mates. :lol:

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Esme kept pecking at my fingers the other day when I was tying sections of fine mesh onto the eglu run (to keep the hemcore in) - not hard enough to hurt, but it was very distracting! No wonder I ached all over afterwards - it took me at least twice as long as it should have done :evil:

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