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I am trying to buy industrial amounts of Bicarb to use as cleaning products.

The cheapest I have found is at Justasoap at £4 for 5kg, but their delivery charge is ridiculous and you have to spend at least £10 on their products, and I really don't want anything else. Does anybody buy bicarb in bulk and where do you get it from? Thankyou.



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They sell 1kg packs in www.thegreenstoreonline.co.uk but it is £2.69 per kilo. However, it looks like their max p+p charge is about £5.


Thanks for this. Yes I found that site, I'm looking for 5kg. I have found a seller on Ebay but again the postage is more than the item :( I think the greenstore do 5kg bags as well, probably go with them in the end :roll:



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Boots sell it in biggish boxes....if you were passing you could pick one up and save the postage! :lol:


Not in my local one, it's very dinky. Anyway I have virtually stopped buying anything remotely medicinal in Boots because I can't cope with the third degree

you get from the staff "Are these Aspirins for you? Have you ever taken Aspirin before? Do you have stomach ulcers?" :roll: Don't even get me started on the row I got involved with when I tried to buy some Optrex for infected eyes for my mother :evil::evil: Goodness knows what questions they would ask if I asked for 5kgs of bicarb :wink:



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I know summer naturals do it. they also do bulk borax,vinegar etc. Not sure on the price though but I do remember they do bigger loads than 5kg too.


Thanks for this, I will look at their prices. I could also do with bulk vinegar as well, so this could be the answer :) My aim is to do away with all cleaning products and just have Borax, Bicarb and vinegar in the cupboard under my sink :roll:



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I've just brought some from Wilkinsons can't remember the exact price approx £1.30 for a box.


This one only said cleaning ways on the side, but I do sometimes have recipes which require bicarb to be used. Are there 2 different types, or can this one be used in cooking too?



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I've just brought some from Wilkinsons can't remember the exact price approx £1.30 for a box.


This one only said cleaning ways on the side, but I do sometimes have recipes which require bicarb to be used. Are there 2 different types, or can this one be used in cooking too?




I think Bi-carb is the same for cleaning or cooking, often they call it Baking Soda if it's sold for cooking, no idea why :roll:



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...and I buy mine from Kate when we meet up........ :lol:


Kate recommended a favourite book of hers a couple of years ago now

Clean House, Clean Planet - by Karen Logan - it has wonderful recipes in it for household cleaners. My favourite is the window cleaner - soda water in a spray bottle :D

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Kate how much do you pay, out of interest.


We have a Chinese supermarket nearish but I wonder if its worth the drive - I tend to do all my shopping locally so its not somewhere I could just call in to.


(I've got that book too and am gradually trying out the recipes)

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