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The happiest chickens in the UK today were....

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Rosie and Ruby!!


I transported them to a chicken wonderland by digging up all the turf on my back lawn!!!!!


They followed me round all day waiting for another bit of turf to come up and another mouthful of worms! Then sitting on top of the mound of earth going bok bok bok/ eat a grub/ bok bok bok/ s"Ooops, word censored!"e at the turf clippings.


I hope they made the most of it though as when my new lawn turf arrives and they are banished from it :(


Has anybody else's chickens had a day as fun as Rosie and Ruby?

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I'm afraid mine have had a miserable day - raining all day, and just when I thought it was going to be nice and sunny and let them out for a stroll before bedtime, it decided to hail and I got soaked trying to get them all back into their respective runs :(

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Mine had a day like that on Wed when I dug over the veggie patch. Lily was hoovering up worms the size of pencils at a rate of knots! She really gets right in the action and several times ended up under the spadeful of soil I was turning over!


Today they've probably had less fun as I loaded them into the car and took them to their holiday quarters as we're going away today. They looked happy enough as soon as they saw their food and didn't give me a backwards glance!



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Mine had an entirely opposite day, they had to watch me digging from the confines of their run :( Because they caused so much devastation we're reclaiming the garden and having built such a fab run we said they were to stay in it, but I nearly let them out, the garden is SO bad I didn't think they could make it much worse. Then it rained. Might see what the weather is over the weekend as they'll only be getting an hour or so :?


Mrs B

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....having built such a fab run we said they were to stay in it, ....


That's why OH built our run. I did shut the big 3 out of the run whle I tried to coax my 2 skylines out from under the eglu with raisins, Daffodil went off doing her chickeny thing round the borders and Magpie and Sylvie just paced up and down trying to work out how to get back in! :roll:

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