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Run advice.

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Yesterday I was asking for cube advice now I'd like to ask run advice.


It's all eglutines fault for purchasing a run and a cube! :D


So there i was in the garden with OH when I told him about Eglutine having a new run and a cube and he looked at me before suggesting a new run would be ideal as when our building work starts we'll need access to the garden through the hen enclosure.


So here's my questions; I love the flytes of fancy runs but do they need a piece of wood around the bottom to stop them kicking stuff out? And do they need a solid roof? Are they fox proof? Do people go into the run to close up the hens at night or just leave it open? Can anyone recommend a ready built run company?

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So here's my questions; I love the flytes of fancy runs but do they need a piece of wood around the bottom to stop them kicking stuff out? And do they need a solid roof? Are they fox proof? Do people go into the run to close up the hens at night or just leave it open? Can anyone recommend a ready built run company?


I think a wood surround would be ideal to stop hemcore being kicked all over the garden. If you don't have a solid roof you would get the problem of the run getting wet and soggy when it rains. Also a solid roof is a very good idea just in case avian flu happens in your area :evil: I have no idea if flytes of fancy's runs are fox proof, but I would think so. Scrunchee used a run builder who is located in Cambridge, but I have searched for the thread and cannot find it, maybe someone else will be more helpful on this point :roll:



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Hi - I think that you can buy skirts for runs from flytes of fancy which make the run fox proof - best to check the website (like you I have bbn tempted after hearing of other people buying their runs).


The chap in Cambridge retails on ebay - can't recall his name but the quality of his runs looks amazing. He only seems to deliver within 100 miles of Cambridge though (unfortunately for me as I am too far away!).

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I get blamed for everything. Boo hoo! :lol:


Mine is coming with a roof, but that is an optional extra....I just thought I'd be ready for the next bird 'flu scare.


I'm hoping it is foxproof! :shock: ....it is made of weldmesh, although not the same gauge as the Eglu Run.


Lesley suggested putting 6" gravel board boards around the bottom of the run to stop Aubiose being kicked out. She has several of the pens and is very pleased with them.


Go on...get one!


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we have our own 12x6 foot homemade run and I would definitely recommend something around the bottom. I have big hemcore kickers here and if I didnt have the boards around the bottom they would kick it all out!


Building a run was one of the best things we did, even when the door is open to allow them to free range they stay and play in the run! :D

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I built a 15.7 x 15 x 6ft run and the cube is sitting in the middle with the little cube run still on.


Around the bottom, inside the big run, I put Omlet's Link-a-board. It stops the Aubiose coming out and as I painted the run framework green, the Link-a-board goes really well. My dad used gravel boards on his.

Whatever you decide on, you really do need something to stop the mess!


At the moment, my roof is just chicken wire but will soon have clear corrugated sheets fixed over it aswell.

I am also going to put slabs around the outside of the big run (stop the foxes digging in) and under the cube and mini run (stop any rats trying to get in).


Hope that helps!

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Tony did mine too it arrived late Monday and the OH got around to finishing assembly yesterday. On reflection we should have just paid the £35 to have it assembled because it took the OH ages to do. We have a the equivalent of a kick board around the bottom which comes as standard.


I also have an extra hatch to enable me to wheel the cube in/out if I want to jet wash it so I don't soak the run. I also asked him to hang the door so it opened inwards which stops the chooks getting out as you enter. Unfortunately this isn't standard for Tony and because he used his standard catch we couldn't open the door so had to buy a new catch. I've got to get another one too because I think a fox could possibly push the bottom of the door open if it were really determined. I am please with it though and will post pics if I ever get a chance.

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Yes, some sort of planking round the bottom of the run is desirable to stop them kicking hemcore everywhere. We used some old pine planks we already had in the garage and stained them to match the rest. If you don't want to go into the run to close up at night, it's very easy to position your eglu/cube outside the run, attach it to the weldmesh and then cut through. That way you can open/close the door, clean out the eglu/cube and collect your eggs without having to enter the run. This also makes more room in the run itself.

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I've measured up where the new run could go but there are two smallish hazel trees in the way. Do you think I could build the run around them and have them inside the run? :? They love scratching about the base of them and Daisy on one of her escape missions roosted in it!

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We used Tony from Aviaries4u too. I have sympathy for the poor sod who had to assemble the run themself, it took Tony two hours to do it when he came round, and he makes them all the time. If I'd had to do it it would have probably taken a month! :)


To stop our door swinging open in the wind I used a simple bit of string attached to the inside of the door, with a picture hook at the end - we just hook it onto the mesh as we go in.


I think the solid sides of the run to stop bedding coming out it standard on his runs. We had a few extras, such as a slightly sloped roof, guttering and a full mesh floor.



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