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When do chickens stop growing?

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When I got Magpie and Sylvie 6 weeks ago, they were quite skinny little 16/17 week old Kate Moss type chooks.


They have had quite healthy appetites since I got them and are now really rather large. They both look like they've spent the last month on steroids, the change is quite breathtaking. :shock:


I was wondering if anyone knows at what age a hybrid typically finishes growing - is it once they start laying? Do pied suffolks/daisybelles/magpies and silver nicks get particularly big? They are starting to make Daffodil look like one of the bantams!

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So do you reckon daisybelles are bigger than bluebelles? I was told bluebelles get pretty big, but "Ooops, word censored!"ody warned me about Magpie!


Shame her eggs aren't in proportion to her body size - they've been 42g every day!


Yes my daisybelles are bigger than my bluebelle. One of them lays long eggs and the other round eggs. One of them laid double yolkers everyday without fail for about 6 months :shock:. I must admit their eggs are smaller than my white star's - the smallest bird in my flock, but by far the largest eggs (although my skyline is not far off and she has only been laying a week).


I don't think a Silver Nick and an Amber are the same - I looked at your photo of Sylvie. Clementine is white is a light gold neck and ginger flecks across her body (too bif to be called spots!).

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Magpie is lovely, I think she's my best looking chook - I just didn't expect her to get as big as she has. I'm looking forward to her eggs getting a bit bigger, but she's only just started bless her, hopefully they'll be as big as yours soon Craftyhunnypie.


Redfrock, when we got Sylvie, a lot of the silvernicks had varying degrees of ginger splashes on them but DD asked for the whitest one! When you look close up at her she's not totally white, you can see vague shadows of ginger. Where I bought her from they thought she might be a white star crossed with a brown egg layer and she'll lay brown eggs when she gets round to it. She's very friendly and perches on my shoulder when the mood takes her.

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I'd say they stop growing at about 6 months from what I've observed.


I was going to suggest that too, as my "little" Toffee, who has been laying for ages, only now looks the same size as Scully. Treacle is a bit bigger, but most of that is fluffy knickers and swagger! :lol:

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