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Pacing along the run!

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We have 5 chickens and the dominant female is a Miss Pepperpot, she is becoming a bit of a hand full and we have only had her 8 weeks.


She is a bit of a bully and picks on one Gingernut Ranger inparticular but hopefully going to get some spray to stop the feather plucking tomorrow.


However I have noticed that over the last couple of days she has taken to pacing up and down the edge of the run. Do anyone else's chickens do this, could it be bordom?


The girls are kept in a cube with 3 run extentions attached so have a good 4 meter run. We have CD's and a peckablock hanging up. Also have put a beam across the run so that the girls can roost of the ground during the day and also found an old piece of drift wood which I attached to an upside down pot to give then another roosting perch for interest.


Apart from pluging a DVD in the garden with a TV attached I am running out of idea's to keep them amused or am I just paranoid and new to the game?

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Ditto, it's amazing how their behaviour changes when they can see you. Having mine within close sight of the window all winter has been a real revelation - much squawking and jumping on top of each other when they first see me get up in the morning, but if I ignore them they carry on with their usual chickeny business ... until they hear the key turn in the back door, when they start it all over again!


It's blackmail, Trapper, nothing more. Sounds as if your girls have got a fantastic run with lots of things to entertain them - don't let them fool you.

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Mine pace up and down when they think I am looking. When were are all out and then sneak back in the hse without them seeing us, they are happily foraging without out a care in the world .... little so and sos !!!! :lol:


Totally agree! My Madras is happy as Larry till she knows we are about and then paces at the run door looking frantic and pecking at it and bokking as if her life depends on getting out! :shock: We know this because we can watch them from the kitchen window without being spotted. Crafty whatsits they are :lol:

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Mine pace when they have coaught sight of me....they try to guilt trip you into letting them out.


If I observe them from a different window, and they can't see me....they stop.




Daffodil does this - she can spot me going anywhere near the back door, the run is probably about 30' from the house, so I go up to DS bedroom and watch them from his window.

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Mine pace when they want to come out of the run and think I'm watching.

One of they even does it from time to time when the run is open so I take no notice.


It's just one of their quirky little ways of manipulating their owners.


Mine have also taken to tapping on the patio door when it is time for their treats and again when the bowl is empty.

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