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Cobb Barbeques

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Well, after a whole day in the sushine we are already thinking about barbeques! Seen the "Cobb" version in the lakeland catalogue and wondered if anyone out there in omletland has any opinions on them?


They look very transportable so ideal to take to the beach or in the caravan. :D


any tips welcomed.

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i have been wanting a Cobb for years .....really want one .........


the hairy bikers use them a fair bit ....


did i say i really want one ......cos i do


you can fry , roast , bake , bbq , dream about them , stroke them , tell elderly relations you have a cobb . watch sunsets with your cobb .......






i want one :oops:

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hee hee Morris :lol:


They look very good, apparently they are "cool to the touch" so you can have them on a table top or on grass - so even handy for picnics :D I see in lakeland they sell little discs to place underneath to use as fuel which are made out of coconut shells and take only 4 minutes :shock: to heat before you can cook on them

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i have a dream......


(OK not as inspiring as martin Luther king but ..)


i am sitting in my garden feeling a bit peckish ...whip out my Cobb ...blush slightly as i hear my neighbor say "oh his got that impressive looking Cobb out again " and proceed to knock up a little feast from my green house , eggs from my chooks .....so on .....


i can just see ken and Jill from number 14's faces as i whip off the cover to reveal a perfect roasted red pepper souffle starter ..




i think i have a demon i need to deal with.........



still want a Cobb tho :roll:

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Oh Dear - now I really want one. :D I had never heard of these before and was happy with a £20 bucket barbecue. I must stop looking at this site first thing on a monday morning when I am at my most vulnerable. Or rather my credit card is. Or rather my husband's credit card is. ( I chopped mine up to stop me spending...... :lol: )

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Just a word of warning......... Chookihen recommended a barbecue last April....... the weather was lovely and sunny......... and I ordered one.......


The day it arrived, it was raining.........and it continued raining...... and then we had more rain..... and some more......... :(


It is still in its wrapping :roll:

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My cobb barbeque from Lakeland came today (amongst some other bits that seemed to drop in my cart :oops: ) AND why does stuff always come when im at work and hubby is home (so he sees how much ive spent! :roll: )


Anyway, back to the Cobb. It looks 8) and it came with a recipe book and carry bag, its a substantial weight (not heavy - just feels well made). We are going to Dartmoor at the weekend so we will try it out. :D

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no probs :D -


with the cobb assembled with lid on it is 33cm high x 34 cm wide.


with the cobb unassembled stacked in the bag it is 24 cm high x 34 cm wide


We cant wait to try it out. Lakeland is the best price we've seen as they provide the bag and the recipe book with the cobb whereas cobb direct sell it all seperately.


Lakeland have sold out of the cobblestones though (back in stock in June :roll: ) - they sound great as they light and are ready to cook in 4 minutes and stay hot for 2 hours and the cobblestone stays intact and doesnt go to ash which is perfect for caravanning! :wink:

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