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Ms Tilytinkle

Loyalty ??!!!!!

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Good Evening All,

After all i do for these chooks, all pursuading family - all purchasing of organic feed, omlet cube, extension run etc

Just an update of whats happening chez Nous !!!!!!

I walk into gadren to see free ranging chooks, they don't notice me, hubby walks in - 6 chooks, wings extended, necks ahead run towards him . .no hesitation!!!!!!

If he wants to walk down bottom of garden they follow, up garden they follow, in run . .they go . . hmmmmmm he had a whole line of them after him today, single file he looked like the pid piper of chooks. Now you all think easy he's the one who feeds them treats .. no he doesnt its actually me .. i give them their corn, veggies etc


I think they have motives, as now they've shown him just how cute they really can be, now they've adored him & showed him some really funny antics . .

he now does actually feed them - just for being sooo lovely & funny. Hubby doesn't even clean them . .i do . .huh if this is the loyalty they show mother hen!!!!! Hmmm i'm very disappointed ;)


I think they must 've heard him complain that theyve gotta start earning their keep!!!!


They all fed out of his hand today , theyre all soooo adorable. He gave them large bowl of rainwater too & they drank the lot, you'd think they didnt have 2 glugs in their run!!!!


Plus all had a dustbath together today, so funny & cute. ( er no not hubby )

Roll on the summer.


Ms Tillyshubbysecretlylovesthechooks :)

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They are fairweather chooks I'm afraid. Mine greet all of the neighbours as if they are royalty (something to do with the bread and sweetcorn they are surrepticiously fed whilst I am at work).


If it's any consolation the 12.5 yr old dog who I have had since she was rescued as a very little pup waits at the gate of the neighbours houses and simply ignores me if anyone else is around and about - hurrumph


Wouldn't be without any of them though!! :wink:

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Mine are just as bad. When I go out only Poppy comes running, the other 4 follow eventually to see if I have treats and I can only pick up two of them


My husband who regularly tells me that they are my chickens and doesn't clean up after them or feed them (except treats) gets followed everywhere and can pick any of them up.


I put it down to always having an overexcited toddler with me when I'm around them where as my husband goes to chat to them on his own when he's heading out to work and sneaks out with his cuppa when my son and I are busy

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same here, DH can get them all up on the bench next to him, I can only manage to entice 3 of them! He must be giving off the right pheramones or something!? :roll:

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