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headless chicken!

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No Buffie I am not upset I think what I am trying to say is that while having an animal put to sleep is not nice it is somehow selfish to allow something with no ability to have a quality of life to live is wrong (to me)


I accept other will see it differently but to make a freak show of that poor creature just makes me feel a little ill :cry:

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It was pretty gross, but dont forget it was some time back when there were far more "freak" shows out on the road and it would have been considered quite normal for a poor farmer to want to make some money out of something like that.

Now we just have Crufts to ensure that we have dogs that cant breathe properly, who are susceptable to hip displacia, who dont get prizes if their muzzles are too long, their ears too small, their colouring not quite right.......... no we dont do freak shows any more......



rant over :oops:

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Goodness help us if they ever get hold of human ivf............


That's why OH and I have never had children......couldn't bear to inflict the poor soul on the world: buck teeth, sticky out ears and blind as a bat...and that's just what it'd inherit from OH.....add half of me to the equation...... :shock::shock::shock:

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I'm guessing the brain is set back so he lost his face basically, yuk nasty.





you'll have noticed it was a cockerell not a hen - that's significant...


us blokes can get along fine without our brains for many months..


ether that or it's true (as some say) that most of us blokes have their brains eleswhere... (a little lower down) :wink:



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ha ha ha! Hee hee hee!


I love it when a man admits where his brains are kept. :lol:


I'm with Louise on the Crufts thing. we have German shorthaired Pointer who is minus tails as it was docked when she was 2 days old. (long before we even thought of having her). She was up for 'rescue' by the breeder as she was below minimum height for "Ooops, word censored!"es in show. How the hell can they tell that at 12 weeks old? she had been sold to a woman who returned her to the breeder for that reason. No wonder the poor thing is so neurotic. Separated from your mummy at 7 weeks, then separated from your new family and returned to the old one, who no longer know you and won't let you sleep in the 'den', then this woman comes along and takes you home with her! Confused/ i should co-co!

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I am all for the Heinz variety myself :D


I think friendly and loyal are more important qualities to look for in a dog and as for tail docking :evil: Dogs use their tails to communicate so taking it away makes them slightly mute to each other :evil:


There is a campaign at the mo being run by enlightened vets to appeal to vets that still do this it is only currently allowed for 'welfare' reasons but some unscrupulous ones still do it for 'fashion' and the campaign is trying to make it illegal unless the dog has actually injured the tail

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I know this is going to totally gross you our Martin, but it wasn't a trick and it really did happen. It was the cockerals face that got chopped off and the owners kept the poor thing alive by using a dropper to give it food and water and made lots of money by taking it round freak shows. :cry:

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