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Wing clipping

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Do any of you do this yourselves? Two of my girls really need their wings clipped because when i open the top of the run Marth trys to fly out and although i know she cannot reach i still find it slightly disconcerting and i don't want her being able to do that when they free range because we have one quite short fence that she may get over.


My book says you just cut the primary feathers back to where the secondary feathers begin and that that you only have to do it on one side but I have heard on here that some of their veins run thru their feathers and i don't wanna make anyone bleed or cause pain!!

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It sounds daunting but is quite easy to do and even easier as a two person job.

I did my two on their first night here - cut the primary feathers off but leave about a centimetre before the secondary feathers begin- that way you're not in danger of making them bleed. Only do one side as this makes them unbalanced.

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I asked about wing clipping at the breeders when we picked ours up. The guy looked at me as if I was touched!


We didn't bother clipping ours and we've never had any problems with them flying south for the Winter or anything.


I probably would have clipped them if we had banties mind.



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