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Hatch Day (I hope!).

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Thanks :D . I have Blue Laced Wyandottes and French Copper Black Marans (which should hatch Copper Black, Copper Blue or Splash).


Still have 5 of the 6 Wyandotte eggs but only 5 of 12 Maran eggs (1 broken in post, dropped incy lid and smashed 2 - idiot!, 4 clears :( ).


Still a bit weird this morning - movement and cheeping but none pipped - it's goingto be a long day :roll:

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It's my 8/9th hatch I think - I've lost count :oops: and it's always exciting, although this one is worrying as it's different than previous ones, and I have pre-orders for some of the chicks so I'd hate to let anyone down.


It can take anything from 4-24 hours from pip to hatch, usually about 8 hours.

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