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Chooks tomorrow

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Ok, so didn't get the chickens on Thursday, but hopefully will be getting them tomorrow, that's if I'm brave enough! I've been emailing with Warwickshire rare Breed Farms and they've got 5 for me but whne I emailed yesterday to say I was able to get them tomorrow (monday) PM, I haven't heard from her.


Although did get a new addition today a guinea pig!



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Thanks! It has been a good day although wher ewe're renting we're not allowed pets but we have the ok for chickens just not sure what they'd say about the GPs!!


We've got some dust extracted wood shavings to put in the run as it's just soil at the moment and the place hadn't got easibed or hemcore in at the moment but wanted something. And also got some layers pellets and poultry grit, do I mix the pellets and grit together in the grub?


Also do Iput the shavings in the next box too and am I ok to just line the poo trays with newspaper?





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yes newspaper is fine in the poo trays, you could put some shavings in there to soak up some poo aswell. :)


I put my grit into a seperate container so my chooks help themselves. Some people mix a bit in with the pellets instead.


I shouldnt think your landlord will mind GP's if they have said yes to chickens! :wink:

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Don't know about archive boxes, though I'm guessing that they are the cardboard boxes available from Staples and Rymans for hanging folders.


If so, they are not unlike the rather smallish cat/dog carrier that Omlet used to deliver my four Pepperpots. I was really surprised that so many came in such a compact carrier which wasn't much different from a cardboard file box.


Best of luck to you, Helen!

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Jsut called Julie and she sold my chickens as the last email she received from em said it would be next weekend, she hasn't had chance to look at her emails since friday and I sent her one on Saturday saying about today.


Howver, good news is she's getting some more on Friday and I'll be the first one picking some up at 6pm! and they haven't got any columbines so she's letting me have one of her Lawford Blue hens, they're 24 weeks and the others are 16 but she said it should be fine and they're blue egg layers!!


Am V happy overall!


And now the cube and area are 100% ready for them


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Aw, sorry about today but good news about Friday (and a blue egg layer ... 8)). I hankered after one of them but after all the horror stories about introducing a new hen, I changed my mind :? .


Your cube & run looks fab - what a lovely spot for them :D . Only thing missing is some happy little chooks scratching about the place :D . Not long now ...!

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