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Ms Tilytinkle

touching base.. seriously free ranging!!

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Goood morning all lovely chook keepers

Hope you're all very healthy & happy.

Just to say - how do you all ever get anything done between workloads

i have no idea what i did with my time before chickens - but i dont seem to have any time spare . .they're such an addictive little lot. We love watching them & theyre hilarious.

Works busy but still had to make time to put chicken wire up down one side of garden as all my girlies decided to, not just go exploring (wrecking) my neighbours garden, but up around & through his garden . . .up to his side entrance, waddle across his drive walk up the lane & pop into my other neighbours garden!!!!!!! I was working, hubby answered the door after such a continuous ringing of doorbell, to find our neighbour from across the lane saying "you might want to come & retrieve your 6 chickens from my garden " :o

hmmmmmm i never had any trouble with my daughter, how awful - i felt like a very irresponsible person . .although trying toimagine hubby bringing all 6 girlies back did relieve the concern into chorkles of surpressed laughter, i mean of course i had no idea what its like trying to get 6 chickens back along the lane !!!!! :D

So now we've put a stop to their shananigans! Bless him, if he's not chasing to save the poor slow worm - its Pandora who always finds the slow worms, he's retrieving them from somewhere, :) but they're happy chooks :) & looking very well... although not sure how as they just don't seem to eat enough pellets...even though we leave them in run first thing for a couple of hours then last things for an hour or so.


PLus, we're very proud- had 4 eggs yesterday :) by the looks of the girlies it may well be 5 today .. .and they all crouch for hubby when he goes out .. hmmm

( except Agnus who is most indignant if he tries to tickle her back ) they run from me. .huh! guess he has a way with the ladies!


Have a lovely day you guys, will promise myself some treat times when i can sit & devour the forum & catch up!


Ms Tilyneedstogetreadyforworkorwillbelateandterriblyembaressedtogreetworkinpj's

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Wow, glad they have settled in so well!


Please be cautious though ... see Sheilas' post about being woken at 5.30 am, foxes are everywhere and this is a time of year when they are desperate for food.


If they free-range a lot then they will eat fewer pellets - if they are laying then it sounds as if they are getting enough nutrient.

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Sounds like you have your hands full with your girls :lol: . They really are time wasters aren't they? I have had my 10 ex batts for just over a week now and I seem to be in a mad rush to get everything done just before my husband comes home! When he asks if I have spent time with the chickens I find myself saying "not really been too busy" but I think he suspects otherwise! :roll: He knows I am totally smitten with them :lol: . Clare x

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Huh, i know what you all mean, & for those of you who remember this is the lady who was going to cancel them dozens of times thinking she was doing the wrong thing keeping chooks!!


Its lovely having the chickens & its lovley having this fantastically friendly forum to return home to after a day foraging with girlies . .an important appreciated fantastic back up team when necessary & much needed for novices like me.


Thanks for being here - for being you lot :)


ahem & Oh yes i mean working & foraging .. & oh yes - supposedly doing everything else that now just never seems to get done :oops: Er what front garden :) tee heee what ironing .. .what cooking . .what do you mean its dinner time ..


Oh managed with the worming - BOILED RICE did the trick - not grapes . .they wouldnt touch the grapes with the power on .. hmm fussy chooks but managed to trick them as theyre just too greedy for boiled rice :)


Ms Tilyhad4eggstodayand5chickenscrouchingforticklesand3forcuddles

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