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Fur 'n' Feathers

Our First, no second, no third egg! But by Who? - help!

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Got home this evening and :shock: ..... there :shock: ...in the middle of the run on the grass :shock: ...... was a perfectly formed 36g beige egg :shock::!:


We think it's Krasi's because it's beige and because her vent had a very slight stain of poo around it as if something large had passed through :shock:


Well done Krasi :clap::P8)





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Just been out to the girls. No egg in the run, but.... an egg in the nest :P

Identical to yesterday's but 1g more :lol:


Assume it's Krasi again. Well done :clap:


The egg was cold but still moist where it was in contact with the straw. The wooden egg in the nest overnight idea obviously did the trick. Took it out this morning when we let them out.

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Another egg today. This one was 59g!!!


The layer is obviously warmed up now. Only thing is we're not so sure it's Krasi after all.


The eggs are beige. Whilst all the hens are crouching it is MISO who really does this in an exagerated form, with her wings and tail held up & outwards. Also, her vent is very actively moving (like a Les Dawson character's mouth :lol: ) while the others are just contracting a little.


Is it more likely that it is her?

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Only one way to find out - you have to go on eglu watch! Not the best thing to do if it's raining, but needs must .....

1 Day off work

2 Garden chair

3 Rain coat and umberella

4 Regular supply of tea

5 Sit by eglu all day.


We've all done it! :wink:

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