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I really wish I hadn't....

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Dusted the room where my OH keeps his computer because it seems to have conked out and my life is now hell. :shock:

I was in an unusual frame of mind for me in that I wanted to clean the house from top to bottom [yes sad I know. :roll: ..I really should get out more] anyhow decided I could make more space by unplugging the printer which he rarely uses and moving it and now his computer seems to have taken on a mind of it's own in that he can't play his "games" on it anymore :shock: Something called Direct x is needed for various airplane /landing/crashing/flying games he has which worked OK before I cleaned his room. There is a lot of bad language coming from there and I am sick of saying sorry ....So the moral of this story is ladies...Dusting and cleaning can seriously damage your mental state of mind /health /relationships :lol:

Off to pour large glass of wine and hide with dog in other room. :lol:

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If it's any consolation, I once deleted (by mistake - I was "tidying" the computer) OH's music collection database and lost a good few weeks' work :shock: . Can't quite remember how many times I said sorry :? . Had to make it up to him by re-typing it all in. Why he needs a blinking database at all escapes me but I'm not going anywhere near it ever again :roll: .


You could try downloading the latest DirectX version? Or could you try a system restore?

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. Why he needs a blinking database at all escapes me but I'm not going anywhere near it ever again :roll: .


You could try downloading the latest DirectX version? Or could you try a system restore?[/quote


No the dust can just pile up in there from now on! We have tried to download Directx from the internet but when we install it it says it's already on there :shock: Basically he hasn't got a clue about computers but I would never dare say that to him [i have even less but admit it lol]

I think I will suggest system restore and then DUCK!

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Dusting can cause a software issue, I don't think so........


However there is a new virilant strain of virus that affects washing machines :shock:


It's called the 'Mum/Wife/insert as aplicable' virus.


Usually caused by over exposure to Dust and blame, the main symptoms are, lack of clean clothes.


This virus is usually cured with an antidote known as Apology, if this course of treatment is not effective then it is often best to try the well known remedy 'Interflora' failing that 'Chocolat'. If the symptoms persist after two to three days then the only known cure is Humble Pie followed by moving out.


Microsoft are looking into how to exploit this vunerability and it will be patched in service pack errrr 154.

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Dusting eh.... not a good thing...


We have to opposite problem in our house, with OH constantly interfering with my laptop, installing or uninstalling things without asking me, and opening all kinds of programs and not closing anything... I like my laptop neat and tidy, and I'm a real maniac about it... I think I have become a control freak about it, maybe out of desperation at not being able to control my kids :wink:


This being said, if all you did was unplug and move the printer, how could that possibly have interfered with anything on the computer???

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Dusting can cause a software issue, I don't think so........


However there is a new virilant strain of virus that affects washing machines :shock:


It's called the 'Mum/Wife/insert as aplicable' virus.


Usually caused by over exposure to Dust and blame, the main symptoms are, lack of clean clothes.


This virus is usually cured with an antidote known as Apology, if this course of treatment is not effective then it is often best to try the well known remedy 'Interflora' failing that 'Chocolat'. If the symptoms persist after two to three days then the only known cure is Humble Pie followed by moving out.


Microsoft are looking into how to exploit this vunerability and it will be patched in service pack errrr 154.


ROFL :lol::lol:

:lol: I tried dusting once, back in the 90's and decided it wasn't for me - I find that so long as "Ooops, word censored!"ody moves too quickly in my house or sneezes, all is well....

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What a relief, put that duster away :!::lol:

Things can go wrong when I tidy. If I unplug things apparently that is bad so I live in constant fear of taking down one of OH's computers. I tend to follow the wire to the thing I understand e.g. mobile and unplug that.

You should have seen OH's face when his phone hadn't charged and he followed the wire to a girly hairdryer. :lol:

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