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Pecking at door seals?

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Sage & Onion my Pepperpot and Gingernut keep pecking at the rubber seals in my UPVC backdoor and are actually breaking tiny bits off.I dont want the seal to fail and let water in so what can i do to deter or stop them from pecking at it?


I've tried the antipecking pecking spray and that hasnt done a thing,but i guess this is cos the rubber dont absorb the nasty smelling stuff.


Anything else before i end up with a biblical style flood comming through my house???

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Smear it with mustard?


Can you block their access to the door in some way?


Not really.They love sunbathing on decking (it heats up wonderfully) and backdoor leads out onto it.It would take an enormous amount of trellis to fortify the entire decking. :(


I dont have Colmans mustard cos i hate the stuff,but do have squeezy mild American instead-do you think this would do???

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What about gluing a mirror tile or screwing on a chrome or stainless steel place next to where they are pecking? Are they doing it just because it's something to do or are they eating the stuff? If it's the latter, maybe you could put a bowl of grit there.


As a last resort, hypnosis?




They're both eating the rubber which is strange cos it cant be nice and garden is stocked full of much tastier things.Is the mirror tile suggestion supposed to frighten them away or something???

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They're both eating the rubber which is strange cos it cant be nice and garden is stocked full of much tastier things.Is the mirror tile suggestion supposed to frighten them away or something???


No, just to give them an alternative. My chooks have been in the run since delivered ten days ago. Have been waiting for my son to be around before releasing them into the back garden (two can chase/tempt better than one). In the meantime have been observing how they look for stuff to do (in addition to bossing each other around). The addition of a small mirror has been useful in keeping them occupied.


Hens are curious and active critters. If you don't like what they're doing, try alternatives.


Good luck!

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American mustard might do the trick. You can but try. :lol:


The American mustard did it! :lol: If chooks had facial expressions-Sage looked absolutely disgusted with it! Cheers for the tip cos i wouldnt ever have thought about using mustard! :clap:

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hmmm-the mustard isnt such a success as i hoped.It seems they like the taste of it! :shock:


Sage came trotting up with a yellow smear across her head,went straight to the window and started sticking her beak in the mustard.Onion then did the same. :(


Damn. :?

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do they cluck with an accent?? :lol:


seriously though, I cant think of what you could use. :?


No accent,but they do strut to the right... :lol:


I gotta find an alternative to mustard cos everytime i open the backdoor-it smells like a burger place and not sure how i can explain this to my neighbours! I prewarned them that there might be a slight poo odour from garden or a little bit of noise perhaps when i got the chooks,but Ronald McDonalds smell! :lol:

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what about garlic paste? I would check chicken are ok with garlic as I dont know, but this puts dogs off biting furniture (i've been told) :roll:


I already add garlic powder to their layers pellets cos it neutralises the poo smell so i think they'll go at my door seals even more! :lol: Curry powder wouldnt work either cos the Poultry spice i also add to their food smells of a good vindaloo! :lol:


I need to find a really hot chilli paste... :shock:

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I think we've come full circle and back to Egluntine's suggestion of a barrier.


A narrow strip of styrofoam stuck to the frame with some silicone? a pile of plastic coat hangers that would fall noisily? A shoe box (or larger cardboard box) with a brick to weigh it down? A tub full of failed politicians? The possibilities are endless. :shock:

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I think we've come full circle and back to Egluntine's suggestion of a barrier.


A narrow strip of styrofoam stuck to the frame with some silicone? a pile of plastic coat hangers that would fall noisily? A shoe box (or larger cardboard box) with a brick to weigh it down? A tub full of failed politicians? The possibilities are endless. :shock:


What im gonna try is a that trellis which folds up like a concertina and fix two legs to either end.When i let them out-i can put it in way of door.I cant think of anything else which might stop em'. :lol:

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