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Guest louisewomble

Everybody wants chickens!!!!!!!!!

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Since i've got my ladies - I have been surprised at the number of people who on hearing that we have chickens have said....."Oooh I want chickens!!!!!!"


The world is going to be full of happy hens in Eglus soon - what a nice thought!




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It is amazing but most people i've come across have a fear factor. Whilst they love the lifestyle choice, they struggle to come to terms with the reality. They don't understand the simplicity. I speak first hand cos we procrastinated for ages thinking livestock is complex.


But Ahhhhh the joy and straightforwardness of chook keeping.


We've just briefed the Mother In Law about looking after the chooks whilst we are on hols. She was very surprised to find that she didn't have to search all fourteen corners of north yorks for chickens at bed time cos they'd all be self-tucked-in!! I


Ignorance is not always bliss!!


Help them see the light..



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  louisewomble said:
Since i've got my ladies - I have been surprised at the number of people who on hearing that we have chickens have said....."Oooh I want chickens!!!!!!"



That's the same here too!! Since I got my girls I've known three other families get hens and loads of enquiries too. Chicken keeping is very IN!!

I'm off to meet a friend three new chooks tomorrow . . . can't wait and I know I'll want more when I see them. :oops:


Just heard from my sister who told me her five chooks have been killed by a fox who dug under the run to get them. It's the second time it's happened and I did tell her it would be back once the cubs were bigger. She didn't listen though! :cry:

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It's also a bit worrying that people go in unprepared for the reality, like the poster on here recently who got rid of her chickens because her husband didn't like that they'd scratched all the borders and gravel onto the lawn :shock:


I agree, though, so many people have said that they'd always fancied having chickens.



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I think it's slightly worrying! :( Are chickens going to be the new "puppies and kittens" ie Oooo....let's get chickens! Then them ending up at a rescue centre when people realise they make as much mess as they do! I was surprised (but prepared) how much poo 4 little chickens can produce! I wonder how many people will be getting chickens because it is the "IN" thing to do. :roll:

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I've had a few people who are intrested in keeping chooks too! I thik it was the bit about getting a dozen freerange eggs for around 40p which convinced them!


I don't know, my chickens have so far cost me around £350 in accommodation and food so I don't think we'll get to 40p a dozen for a while yet!



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  jomaxsmith said:
I've had a few people who are intrested in keeping chooks too! I thik it was the bit about getting a dozen freerange eggs for around 40p which convinced them!


I don't know, my chickens have so far cost me around £350 in accommodation and food so I don't think we'll get to 40p a dozen for a while yet!




Here is the mantra to keep repeating, Jo: Eglus and Cubes hold much of their value when (if? :oops: ) you for any reason have to sell them on.


And don't forget to deduct money you would have spent on cinema tickets or pints.

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My friend Anne is a freelance food writer and the chairperson of Wirral Farmers Market (which won first prize in the recent BBC Food and Farming Awards). She told me yesterday that she was at a dinner and was sitting near Sophie Grigson and spent most of the time chatting to her about "my friend who keeps chickens". :oops::oops::oops:


Oh the joys of second-hand fame! :lol:

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