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It's good Ginette. It comes in an enormous bale about 3' high, which costs around £8 I think. And it is finer than bark and woodchips. It doesn't really have any smell of it's own and no it doesn't smell like wacky baccy! I've had it down since easter weekend now and it is remarkable clean, but then my girls freerange most of the day. When I run out of straw, i plan to use it in the nest box and for bunny bedding too. The girls are happy scratching around in it and I reckon that it will be more economical in the long run than bark and woodchips.


I plan to do the cleaning as I have with the other run coverings and rake out as necessary and top up, with a dressing of garden lime every so often. The lads at Omlet reckon that you can use the Bokashi stuff in the run as well to stop smells and sweeten the earth; I must say that it works in the poo tray.



I hope that helps - do you want me to send a handful in the post so you can see what it's like?

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  Claret said:
Do you want me to send a handful in the post so you can see what it's like?


:D:D Are you serious! :wink:


I am happy to wait for a few more weeks and see how you get on with it in the long term. I find the bark stuff such an effort to clear out and the smell of rotting pellets is disgusting. We are building a larger run too so it would be costly to woodchip all of that.

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We use Auboise in the bottom tray of the eglu (on Kooringas recommedation) as it doesn't smell at all.


We put bark in the main run, but will be changing to Auboise in that too when we next celan it out.


We've got pekin bantams, and their trousers get really mucky on bark - so hopefully this will be cleaner.

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  Ginette said:
I am happy to wait for a few more weeks and see how you get on with it in the long term. I find the bark stuff such an effort to clear out and the smell of rotting pellets is disgusting. We are building a larger run too so it would be costly to woodchip all of that.[/color]


That's fine, remind me again to tell you how it's going. I haven't had a smell of rotting pellets since switching from bark, which was much damper.


I can send a small amount in the post if you like so you can see the size and texture - no problem at all.


I haven't worked out the cost per litre, but I reckon that it'll be much cheaper than the alternatives. Kooringa had it in her big run to a depth of about 6" and she has never needed to rake or replace it at all.

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It sounds great - but I imagine I'll have difficulty getting it in London. :roll:

Have emailed them.


Do the chooks eat it at all? And is it small enough to fit through the bars of the eglu run? I imagine it could make quite a mess - Matilda has the most amazingly forceful kick...

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I use this bedding for my horses and chickens,and Aubiose is better than other beddings e.g woodchip because it Decomposes soooo quickly,this makes it goog for people with compost bins or people that have problems with disposing of the beddding.

It is a hemp by product so its also Environmentally friendly,and cost effective. :D

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Ginnette there's a supplier of Auboise down your way who does free delivery to local areas. I think that Kooringa posted the link a little while back, I'll see if I can find it. Unfortunately I am out of their free delivery area, but they do paid delivery for quite a distance, so they might be of interest to you as well Christine. I'm certainly considering it, it sounded like good stuff when Kooringa first posted about it, and it's even better to hear from someone else recommending it. Thanks Clare :D


Edited quickly to cut & paste a web address for Henfield poultry who supply Auboise in Surrey/ Sussex areas. (Rubbish moderator me, I can't work out how to quote from Chickens into Eglu's :oops::oops::oops: - I hope you don't mind me pinching from your original posting Cinnamon Sarah :?:wink: )




This is a link to the henfield Poultry page which has the auboise on it.

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I thought I'd try some auboise for my chicken run and toddled along to my local animal feed/supply store. They didn't have Auboise but had Hemcore which seems to be the same sort of thing and mainly used for bedding for horses. It says on the bale wrapping to dampen it down with water. Do you have to do that with the auboise? Does anyone know if it is necessary to do it or have I bought the wrong stuff completely?

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I put Aubiose in the eglu for the first time this weekend, and didn't dampen it (didn't know this was recommended). It seems fine. I wouldn't want damp in the eglu...


Havent used it in the run yet - still using up the bark we already had (and slightly worried about the aubiose all getting kicked straight out)

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  Claret said:
Try calling round feed suppliers in your area to see if they stock it or can order some in. Failing that, call the Aubiose people at the number on their website and see if they can tell you who your nearest stockist is.


Thank you Clare, have emailed them :D

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