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:? Ok, I have to admit, after much forum reading and a few specific questions, I am still very confused about what you're meant to put where on the bottom/floor of the run/eglu. Ours will be on grass at first - semi-permanently - but it will soon turn to mud, especially if it rains, as it's horrid clay soil with rubbish drainage so I assume I need something on the floor of the run...but what?


Has anyone ever done a comprehensive pros and cons list of the different things you can use? We have a free supply of woodchip, but some people say it's worth the money to use aubiose. Can you use both?


What about inside the eglu? In the nesting box (I've kind of worked out that straw is ok (have a free supply of straw too), but still a bit confused as I read different things...)?


Huge thanks in advance to anyone who can clear this up for me (any any other new eglu/cube owners I presume too!)!

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I've only had my Eglu about 7 weeks or so and move it around the garden every few days so the lawn dont get destroyed.I get a rectangle of short grass and you can see where they've scratched about,but it only takes 3-4 to recover.


In the winter though,im gonna have to give them a permanent home cause grass dont grow off season.The general consensious is 'Aubiouse' is the favoured material to put in the run as its super absorbant and apparently has a pleasant smell,but i'll have to buy a winter cover for the Eglu as rain cannot be allowed to get on it.Will also need to install timber planks around the entire run to stop it being blown/kicked out.


I dont put anything in the Eglus poop tray cos its not needed in my opinion.It only takes a moment to brush the droppings out and being plastic-nothing sticks anyway.


If your soil is really heavy clay-try spiking the area with a garden fork a full tines depth and filling the holes with sharp sand.These act like hundreds of mini drains allowing surface water to drain away freely.

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I have solid clay soil and it took 3 days of solid rain to destroy an area of grass with 3 hens on it. TBH it still hasn't grown back completely, it did the same in a second place I put it too and that isn't fully recovered.


I would say - give them a permanant area rather than moving them around. Use the woodchip as you get it free - I think Aubiose is more absobant and therefore easier to clean.


Keep your nesting box free too - use shredded paper!

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I think if you can get free woodchip and straw they would be absolutely fine. The drier you can keep the run the better - even aubiose goes manky if it rains heavily. And straw is fine in the nest box - the trick is to make sure it is changed regularly and not allowed to get pooey and stale. :D

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Moving the run around on grass only works if you have a huge flat area of grass. A permanent site makes life easier.


I don't put anything in my run as I have very light sandy soil, but people with heavier soil swear by aubiose and hemcore, with some boards around the edge to hold it in.


Straw is best for the nesting box. Definitely not hay.


I have found that a sheet of tabloid newspaper in the poo tray make life much easier: the whole lot just falls into the compost heap leaving a clean tray.


You have to work out what is right and easiest for you for you. You are confused because different people swear by different methods. Don't rush into anything: I wasted a lot of time and money because I thought that bark and wooden edging were essential.

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Thank you all so much for your responses. We'll go with the free woodchip and straw for the time being and then fork out for aubiose if necessary :)


Does anyone know how often we're likely to have to change the woodchip in the run?

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When I went on my omlet hen party course, I was told and shown to put newspaper under the roosting bars in the eglu, and straw in the nest box, which I have done. This makes it soooo easy to clean out as I lift out the bars and just lift out the newspaper, straight into my composter. You need a good few sheets, to keep the strength went wet/full. I tend to use about half a freebie newspaper at a time.

Hope this helps,


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Does anyone know how often we're likely to have to change the woodchip in the run?


It's rather an individual thing! The more frequently you remove poos the longer it will last. Or you can let the poos soak in and change it when your nose tells you it needs it :lol:

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