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Martin B

Massive Urge

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I've loved keeping my hens for just over a week and I think they are just great fun and great freinds.

However I have now got a massive urge to get one more. I'm sure this happens to all hen keepers but I don't think my Mum or Dad would let me get another! :(

I think I would be pushing my luck to ask for another but I really would like one.

I'd like to know all about what other hen keepers have experienced after adding additional hens to an established flock. Is there more noise, smell, eggs, etc?

I'm just about to have a browse in practical poultry for my nearest breeder. I might have to wait until approx mid-June beofre I go " Mummm, Daddd, can I have another chicken?"




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I'd like to know all about what other hen keepers have experienced after adding additional hens to an established flock. Is there more noise, smell, eggs, etc

In my experience, Martin, there are more eggs and lots more fun! :D My four are great and I absolutely love them! I still want more though!! :?:roll:

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Oh Martin,chickens are addictive aren't they?


Yes,there are more eggs :lol: & more poo,,but really more chickens are not so much more work :P


I would leave it a few more weeks,get the "olds" in a good mood,maybe nice & mellow after a long hot day & BBQ in the garden THEN ask them :wink:

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Martin - we started with 3 and then added another and then another!

The pecking died down within 48 hours each time and no damage was done to the birds and now they are all the best of friends. From what I understand, they settle in quite well as long as the new chicken is prepared to accept their place in the pecking order. If they start vying to be top chick thats when the problems start!



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Martin, do the "olds" drink? Mellow and merry at a barbeque could make it easier.

I'm so bad :twisted::oops:

I'm only joking really, it's their decision. :wink:


Would they be in the run most of the time :? The run is only for 2 chickens, unless you got the extension, then you might as well get 2 more :?

This time of the year is OK, but later in the year it will be dark more and they may well be in bed before and after school.

As Lesley and Carly are new, it may be easier now.

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I'm making progress on the urge front. Managed to drop chickens into every conversation.

The main factor was today. We was on a boat trip in Bath and their were gardens on either side. We noticed some Buff Orpingtons and some RIR in one of the gardens and my Mum said "I like them, why didn't you get some of those?"

I said why don't we get some of those?"

"mmmm" my My mum said.


Anyway I have some money so can post everything and also perhaps get a new chook! :lol:

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What you've got to do now is put up pictures of your favourite chickens and the ones your mum likes, all over the house so your mum and dad see them everywhere and think 'Aww they're sooo cute! We've got to get some!' and then they will/might ask you if they can get some! :lol:


If it's not working, get more pictures!!!!:lol:




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What you've got to do now is put up pictures of your favourite chickens and the ones your mum likes, all over the house so your mum and dad see them everywhere and think 'Aww they're sooo cute! We've got to get some!' and then they will/might ask you if they can get some! :lol:


If it's not working, get more pictures!!!!:lol:




Is this what's in store for me?! :wink: Luckily you don't have to go to such lengths to persuade me to get more chickens! :roll:

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