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Ex-batt has lost her oomph

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I know that this sounds silly but my ex-batts have always been feisty little madames but lately poor Mistletoe has lost her oomph.


She is very sleepy and although she still jumps up to extract food from me, she is looking very tired and weary. I have started putting some poultry spice in with her food and some citricidal in the water. She has her marmite and cod liver oil in the morning but it is sad when they start to look old and tired.


I have never seen this before as I am relatively new to hen keeping and all my girls are quite young in comparison with the ex-batts.


She sits and falls asleep on my knee for ages now.


What do other people give their old girls to pick them up a bit? Mistletoe is my little star who sparked a radio campaign (chicken fm) when she escaped and then starred in the local papers. I can't lose her yet.





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How long have you had her Jan? One of mine Lurleen is very up and down at the moment but I think with her it's because she's been laying softies again. She wouldn't even eat mealworms today :(


Hope Mistletoe picks up. It sounds as if you're doing everything you can for hre.

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Oh!! I hope she picks up again soon. I don't know what to advise as I have only just got my ex-batts - and they look so weak and vulnerable. Can you get a poultry tonic? I'm going to get some tomorrow for mine just to give them a bit of a boost. Even the one with the most feathers has dull feathers and a pale face, compared to my healthy girls. Maybe a bit of tuna, or cod liver oil?

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I have had the ex-batts since 28th December 2007, so not very long.


The poultry spice will work in the same way as a tonic and she is getting cod liver oil mixed in with her layers mash in the mornings. I think I will carry on with this combined with lots of snuggles.


Luckily, my mealworm farming project has just gone full cycle so I have lots of lovely fresh mealworms for the girls at the moment.

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Hi Janty,


My Joy went through a similar stage and laid 3 or 4 softies before not laying at all. Once she stopped laying, she perked up no end, though she still had a nice long sleep next to me yesterday, the cute little freeloader that she is :D .


I'm part way through their first course of Flubenvet and my scoffalots get Poultry Spice but have not yet been introduced to mealworms as I may not be able to keep up with the demands :lol:


Hope Mistletoe perks up soon

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Aaah poor Mistletoe. My ex-batts do go off-colour from time to time but it usually only lasts a day.


Cilla was all 'I want to be alone' yesterday and took herself off to roost in the bush before bedtime. I ended up leaving her there (risky I know but we have had stop-outs before and they have survived).


I know I am pathetic but I decided to repect her wish to be left alone.


She was fine this morning. Just needed some 'me' time!

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like Egluntine said, has she been wormed?


I give ours some probiotic yoghurt mushed up with seeded batch bread. You could stick some tonic in the mush? Avipro is meant to ge good, though I haven't tried it myself.


Is she still laying? As ours stopped laying (as 3 of them have) they seemed off colour, maybe it's a sort of menopause??? We only get eggs from Maud and Bea now.

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