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First egg....two of them!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just went out to see the girls (the husband had let them out this morning) peered in to the nesting box, nothing, then saw something in the poo tray that I didn't recognise, opened it up and there were 2!!! thin shelled broken eggs in there. I dont know if they were layed there or if they had been kicked out of the nest box or badly aimed in the nest box as it was in the tray right next to the box. I am also not sure if they are from the same hen or not...I had only cleaned the poo tray yesterday afternoon so if it was the same hen she would of had to have layed both within 17/18 hours.


Anyway I was soooooooooo excited (even though I couldn't eat any of them lol)


I am guessing I need do nothing about the thin shells and that it is just because they are new to laying?

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The PP has been crouching for a good week I think. I think Rosey may be begining to crouch so if the second egg is from a different hen then it may be hers. I need an eglu cam lol!


I hope you get some soon, tis very exciting :D

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congratulations, hope they aim in the right place soon my PP laid on the roosting bars until my sussex hybrid started laying in the nest so she now knows where to lay them , they could have been kicked out sometimes that happens with mine if I don't retrive them quick enough and the next hen gets a bit scratch happy :D

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they are aren't they!, it amazes me how clever these chooks are at times. I changed from the normal bedding I use in the nest box to shredded paper just to see what I prefferred and Sugar refused to lay on it, she laid on the roosting bars until it was changed and then when it was she laid back in the nest box again.... nutter! :roll:

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I was a little impatient this morning...I got back from the gym and went to check, as the run had covers on I didn't count chooks before I opened the eggport and disturbed Buttercup :oops: well at least I know for sure who is laying :lol:

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i've just had a similar eggsperience - first eggs (yay!!) - probably from the bluebelle as the others aren't crouching or looking as red around the comb as her - but there were 2 half size eggs, in the poo tray yesterday (had cleaned it the previous evening, so definately laid between then and yesterday lunchtime) both with thin flexible shells, looked identical and were right next to each other - so did they come from the same chicken? like the opposite of a double yolker? or have 2 of my 3 girls laid their first egg together?

no more so far today :(

i'm not worried - just curious - i'm well aware - from all the other posts on this forum - that the joy of home grown eggs is their infinate variety!

and the eggs didn't look anything like as strange as some of the things i've grown in my garden!

oh, and another question - could i eat them or does the thin shell mean their not suitable?

looking forward to the next eggs


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