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Guest Prim HenMum

Pellets versus Mash

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My girls are on pellets (from Omlet) but they make such a mess with them I am wondering whether to try them on mash? They have the occasional treat of porridge (made with water) which they clear up completely. They don't seem to particulary enjoy the pellets and I hate them lying all over the run floor - and they say you are never more that 15ft from a rat in London. What is everyone/anyone else's experience of this? I cant imaging the hens would be too worried, they seem to eat anything and everything!

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They do love mash though. It keeps them busy all day because they can't just gobble it down like pellets so it gives them less time for anti-social behaviour.


The only time I've noticed the spilt mash smelling was in the very wet but warm weather earlier this summer.



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Mine are on pellets and I was wondering about mash. Hilda manages to throw them everywhere when she is eating so I there was a lovely pile on the lawn at the beginning of week. I make the mistake of moving the Eglu so the pellets got really wet in the rain and now there is a vile smell. I've tried raking it up but it won't budge. I've now got a cat litter tray under the grub bowls to catch any stray pellets.

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Yes, I do use an Omlet grub - Honeysuckle is a 'scooper'. I have given them a mega clean today - taken the eglu apart and changed the bark chips. I must have cleared a whole lorry load of pellets off the floor! I went out this morning to a wonderful 'seed merchant' in Twickenham that was recommended by a friend and invested in a sack of mash - and a feeder. I have put the mash into the grub, and some pellets into the feeder. To stop bark being kicked into the feeder I have found a flower pot with a diameter a couple of mm larger, weighted it with stones and wedged the feeder on top - quite inspired I thought (even if I say it myself). Scarlett was really tucking into the mash last time I looked, and they have pellets available if they want. We aim to please all chicken tastes at this establishment!

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Mine arent keen on Omlets organic pellets so im gradually mixing them with mash purely to use them up.Once gone-i will feed them only mash.The only thing i find with mash is that you can only half fill the grub feeder cos anymore and they cover themselves & floor.

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I used to have problems with pellets - the grug feeder was the problem - pellets everywhere - a waste and a mess! Get a more conventional hopper-type feeder and the problem goes away (check out countrywide stores). No waste, no mess.


My girls much prefer mash (a bit like oats) and it works just as well in the new feeders.


Omlet designs are fab - exept for the grub & glug!



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