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Water - and moving eglu!

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Hello - (They`re coming tomorrow!! :D )

Every time I read the posts I discover more things to worry about. :shock:

Adding stuff to water - I read that I should add cider vinegar and garlic powder. How much of each? A big glug or a pinch?

And - we`re putting the eglu/run on grass and we`d envisaged moving it every three weeks or so. (Tiny garden - three positions it could occupy)

Then I read a post saying she moved it every day or so!


We`re having two lassies and they`ll be able to free range for a couple of hours a day at least. (While our rescued greyhound is shut in the house)

Should we try to establish a permanent woodchipped run area?

Wodja fink?

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Why not try them out on the lawn and see how you go?


I would certainly consider the permanent area once winter approaches.


I add a teaspoonful of ACV to the glug.


I add the same of garlic powder to the grub.


Both the ACV (rough, cloudy, unrefined) and thegarlic powder are the sort you get from equestrian shops, not the supermarket stuff. :D



Good luck for tomorrow.

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Hello Eileen :D .


ACV - I keep some in one of those sports drinks bottles and just put 2 squirts in the glug every day (or at least OH should be doing that as he's up first - I bet he doesn't :roll: ).


Garlic powder - I add a few big scoops to the big plastic box I keep the pellets in (in the kitchen). I tried adding it to the water but it just sinks to the bottom :? .


Poultry spice - I do the same with this (something else for you to worry about :wink: ).


Re moving the eglu, I have a very small garden too but find that keeping it on a permanent site is easiest.


I would try your plan of moving it every 3 weeks, but you may find they wreck the grass quicker than that. It will recover but you'll have to see how much damage they do.


My run is on Hemcore which is great stuff (although hard to get hold of now). Aubiose or Easibed are similar and there are other kinds of bedding available too.

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Don't worry. You don't need these things from day 1 and some Omleteers on this forum don't use any suppliments at all.


I do use both these now and can recomend them but you can get them at your leisure so please don't feel you need to rush out and get them.


Garlic Powder is great as it reduces the poo smell and you can add it to the feed (not water) just chuck a teaspoon on top of pellets and give it a shake.


Moving eglu, you will get into your own routine and before you built a permanent site, just see how it goes. I did move mine every 4 days when mine arrived last Spring, but now I am lazy and move them once a month, but I do get a strip of bare ground alongside where I alternate.


By moving the eglu regularily the grass will recover in a week and grow back much greener. However when Winter comes you may want a permanent site as grass doesn't grow in Winter and once it's gone it doesn't come back till Spring.


My advice would be just play it by ear for the first month and see what is best for you, your routine and your garden.

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Hi Eileen


We were going to move the eglu around the grass but OH decided not, so we put ours on a permanent area covered with easibed and it is great, the girls love digging down into the ground and having a bath :lol::lol::lol:


I love ANH's suggestion of putting ACV in a sports drinks bottle, I keep spilling more of mine than I get it the glug, I will try that, thanks ANH.


Enjoy tomorrow, are your girls coming from omlet? How many? Our cube comes tomorrow but will have to wait to use it until walk in run is built :cry::cry:


Don't forget to have your camera handy, we love pictures :lol::lol:



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Gosh - what quick replies! Thank you folks!

Yes, the lassies are coming from omelet. I`m going to phone them in a minute as they said they`d ring to confirm an approximate time a couple of days before the delivery and they haven`t.

One of the problems I might have in obtaining the stuff from the horse dealers is that I don`t have a car. (yes, really :) )

So I shall have to bribe somebody with eggs - or the promise of them - to give me a lift. The nearest one is in the Derby Cattle Market I`m told.

Not far.

Exciting innit?

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I`ve just phoned Omelet and they rang me yesterday but my answering thingy isn`t working. Good thing I rang as they`ll be here after eight in the morning. Wahey!

I`ve been out in the garden with a measuring tape and there`s a sort of triangular bit by the path that`s just the right size for an eglu run if I just move the compost bins and a couple of bushes. I reckon I need to make a sort of frame for the eglu/run to fit in so the bedding stuff doesn`t get kicked out all the time. I`ll have a browse through the pictures of set ups.

It`ll take a week or two but I guess that`ll be all right.


About the garlic powder and cider vinegar - I won`t be able to get to the cattle market until I scrounge a lift. Would the `human` stuff be all right for the meantime?

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