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Who else is having a Barbeque this weekend?

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A fair majority,I will bet :P


We are having a fishy one today (Sardines,Prawn kebabs,Garlic Bread & Salads) & a meaty one tomorrow (Burgers,Sweetcorn,Lamb & Halloumi Kebabs).


All washed down with a nice big jug of ice cold Sangria 8)


Gotta make the most of the weather while it lasts :lol::lol::lol:

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We're having a meal in the garden this evening, but not a BBQ. It'll go:


Roast peppers with anchovies and garlic, served with homemade bread (proving now)

James' wonderful fish & bean stew dish (sure Rick Stein called it something a bit more prosaic than that - oh yes - its a cassoulet)

Cabbage salad

Fresh mangos

Fresh mint tea or coffee

And a bit of wine


Just hope the chicken run doesn't whiff!

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Oh that sounds divine :D ! Is there room for me at the table please?


I think LSH will be barbecueing something or other tonight. I leave it totally to him as it's the one time he does any sort of "cooking". Ollie's put a request in for me to make some garlic bread so I've got to try to find a recipe for a homemade baguette! Plenty of garlic and homemade butter in the larder so that bit's not a problem!!

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Homemead garlic bread is the best.I add parsley to mine too, & heat it on the BBQ coals :P


Home mead butter - wow,you really are superwoman :lol:


We have chocolate strawberries for after the meal.

I just had to brave the hoards at Tesco to get them & there was a veritable scrum over the sausages :shock:

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We have chocolate strawberries for after the meal.

I just had to brave the hoards at Tesco to get them & there was a veritable scrum over the sausages :shock:


Oh my goodness, now we're talking! Chocolate AND strawberries! What more could a girl need!! Apart from the obvious bottle of wine or a nice tall chilled glass of Pimms, of course!

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Had barbeque in end, and it was very nice, although somhow ended up being me and about 6 computer geeks :shock:

Susannah disgraced herself by deciding to go broody, being lifted out of the nest twice, realising she was locked out and then turning into a moving fluffy ball clucking ALL night occasionally punctuated by a loud sqwark of indignation. :roll:

Meanwell the guests started asking things like, did that chicken sneeze (Katy)?

and...why is it a problem if she's broody? and general excitement at watching us throwing cold water at the aforementioned fluffball.


Enjoy your picnic Kaz, I'm off too one too :)

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