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Outside Bunnies??

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My rabbits have been living outside in their run for a good few months now, rather than in their hutch


They've got a covered over part and a plastic igloo for when it is too sunny/night time.


Trouble is, the weather has been spectacularly awful over the last few weeks. I'd thought about moving them back into their hutch (a 2 storey one) but realised that they'd have less room, and most of the hutch gets as wet as being outside anyway due to the wind direction etc.


Someone has mentioned to me that keeping them in a run when it is raining is cruel, and they should be back in their hutch in the kind of weather we're having now.


I've actually observed both the boys sitting out in the rain on purpose, when there is a dry part to their run.


Is it cruel to leave them out? Knowing that at times they've got just as wet in their hutch (when the wind is right?)

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my rabbits have a 2 storey hutch with an open air run attached, they have access to this run at all times. This morning it was raining hard and I looked out of the window to check on the chooks and rabbits. Two of my three rabbits were out in the run in the rain, its was their choice. Its not really cold yet though and once it turns colder I will probably put them into the hutch.

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Mine live in a covered walk in run while I'm at work - but they free range the garden most afternoons/evenings. If it is raining- they will still sit out in it - but if it is really hot or really torrential rain, they will go back to their run and shed for cover.


I think as long as they have a run attached to their hutch so they have constant access to space and shelter if needed, then they will be happier.

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two of my buns are in a two story hutch, I have a hutch cover to keep the rain out. Their run extends in front of the hutch and I use a good old shower curtain to keep the rain out. It is not infallible, esp if it is windy, so they do get wet sometimes; they have some carpet in the run as it is on slabs, they sit on that even when it is wet. :roll:

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Bunnies are pretty daft and will happily sit in the rain and get soaked :roll: , unless they are wild rabbits, they will get wet right through and very cold. One thing that domesticated bunnies can't deal with is being wet and cold. Mine live in a rablu on the grass in the 'summer' and the run is covered with a shade to keep the sun off if we should be lucky enough to have any, and a clear shower curtain to keep them dry - they are happy as can be in there.

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