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I thought I'd share this with you to help all those members who are currently experiencing difficulties in the early stages of introducing new members to their flock.


It is now two and a half months since we introduced our two newbies to our two (very pampered) oldies... we followed Egluntine's excellent advice for a gradual introduction after realising that just throwing them in together, as the breeder advised, would not work.


The new girls were slowly accepted, although at first they were still two definite pairs. However just recently I've noticed the pairs swapping over occasionally, and both of our oldies tentatively has a favourite newbie friend!


The two who hated each other the most initially, Layla and Bella, I caught dust-bathing happily side by side this weekend :)


And when I went up to see them this morning, Layla was on the nest laying, with Bella perched on the edge, keeping her company! It was so sweet :D


It is so great to see their friendships blossoming after their initial disdain for each other! Hope this helps if you're feeling down about bumpy introductions!


Skye xx

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I also have two good friends.


Dandelion (number 4 hen) and Chance (bottom of the pecking order hen) are usually to be found together, will happily share greens and treats, and will have races down the lawn.


The other four will intermingle, though Daisy top-hen is often on her own, but these two are clearly best friends and it is lovely to see :D

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